♛ 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 (𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)

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Fem!Reader is a prostitute employed by Littlefinger.

Set in Season 1.

One day, (Y/N), Baelish's most esteemed worker, finds an unexpected visitor at her door. The queen herself has come to enjoy her services - and will return. But (Y/N) soon feels compromised by the lingering affection she develops for Cersei. After all, she's just a courtesan to her... or is she?


I was arranging the bedsheets to prepare for my next customer when Lord Baelish entered.

"(Y/N)", he said. "I need to have a word with you before I let your next guest enter."

I straightened and looked at him in surprise. "What is it, my Lord?"

"You have always proven yourself a faithful and skilled employee to me. Still, I need you to give me your word that you will keep your upcoming encounter utterly private."

"Of course", I said. "I never talk about any of my customers."

"I do not doubt your loyalty, forgive me if it sounded like I did. I only had to make sure... This is a very delicate matter."

"Who's visiting me, the king himself?", I joked.

Baelish smiled to himself. "Not the king, no", he said and left, vacating the open door for whatever mysterious personality was about to step through it.

Whoever it was seemed to hesitate for a moment, which I used to straighten the two silk straps that barely covered my breasts and private parts.

But in no way had I expected who walked through my door seconds later.

My shock must have shown on my face, because Cersei paused in the doorway, looking more miserable than someone should appear in such a place.

"Please... don't look at me like that", she said quietly, closing the door behind her.

I cleared my throat. "Forgive me, Your Grace. I wasn't expecting nobility in my chambers tonight." I tried a half smile.

But the queen only looked at me with wary eyes. "Why not? I was told you're the best, surely you get all the highborn customers."

"Oh, sure, lords and ladies of various standing have been known to frequent me. But never anyone of your... status."

"Well, good to know my husband hasn't had you", she finally smiled back.

I laughed. "Haven't had the pleasure, no."

"Not much of a pleasure, believe me", she retorted, looking up at me as she removed her shoes and stockings. "Actually", she said, stopping the removal of her clothes to look me over once more, "he's largely the reason I'm here."

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain while I settled myself on the bed in an inviting position. Cersei was clearly still uncomfortable around me, and I wanted to make my service pleasant for her - that was my job, after all.

"I enjoy the company of men, in fact, I think it to be one of the best things this miserable world has to offer", she began. "But then I wondered, why is it that the men I lay with don't also like it? I've known so many more women who sought out the same gender than men. I figured that if all these men exclusively slept with women, well, then they must be so much better yet. Robert, he has a different whore every night, I believe he's had half of his kingdoms by now - and that's because half the population is female." She smiled nervously at me. "I wanted to see what I was missing out on, I guess."

hear me roar and say you love me (Cersei Lannister x Fem!Reader One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now