Her bottom lip begins to tremble, her shoulders shaking from both emotion and the chill of the rain. "I can't marry you." Her voice cracks.

"What do you mean, you can't marry me?" He reaches out for her, but she pulls away. When he tries again and she repeats the action, his frustration grows. "Talk to me, Mali! Why can't you marry me?"

"Because I don't want to commit my heart and soul to you and have you leave me later on when you've grown tired of me!"

Her startling reply renders him speechless.

Where in the world did that come from?

He thought they were past this, having done everything he could to show her she could trust him. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath to calm himself, then he moves closer and gently takes her face in his hands.

"I know you have been hurt, Mali, and I wish I could take it all away. I wish I could say I understand what you are feeling, but I can't. You have been abandoned twice in your life and I know it hurt you tremendously both times. But I am not Jake, Mali. And I am not your father." He caresses her wet cheek. "I am a man who has loved you for almost half my life." His voice cracks with emotion. "And I'll never stop. Because my love for you is the forever kind. It's unconditional, Mali. It's unconditional."

* * *

Mali allows his words to seep into her mind and penetrate her heart. Her head is still tempted to fight with her heart, but when his warm mouth quickly presses against hers, the fight leaves her. With his kiss, Jake's words fade from her mind. As Phillip's arms enfold her and his kiss deepens, she can literally feel emotion stirring in him, and she can no longer doubt his love. It has been there in everything he has said and done. She truly believes he has always loved her, and he always will. His love really is the forever kind.

 * * * 

After drying off, Mali shares with Phillip her earlier conversation with Jake. Phillip tells her he wishes he would have been there. Mali is glad he wasn't because she didn't want anyone hurt. Though if she were being truthful, seeing Phillip laying into Jake would have been rather liberating. Now she just wants to put it all behind her and begin her new life with Phillip. She doesn't want to doubt anymore, she just wants to trust. And she will learn to trust in him, trust in his love and their love for each other.

The two spend the rest of the afternoon talking, just enjoying their time together. Phillip informs Mali he is taking her out to dinner and she quickly changes and does her hair and makeup. On the way, they make a stop at Phillip's place so can change as well.

 * * * 

Phillip cherishes every moment he is in Mali's presence. After dreaming of being with her for so long, just being near her stirs his emotions, and his love for her grows with each passing second. He finds himself giving his arms a pinch every now and again, wanting to be sure it isn't all a dream, that he is really with her and she really loves him. He knows deep down there are probably still a few doubts ingrained in her and it will take some time to put her fears to rest, but he is determined to do everything in his power to drive away her fears and help her to know with certainty that he will never desert her. He will show her what forever really means.

 * * * 

Having finished eating, Mali reaches across the table and takes Phillip's hand, squeezing it gently. "Do you think we will be as happy as your mom and dad?"

He smiles warmly. "Oh, at least as happy." He is thoughtful for a moment. "If ever there was a great love story, theirs is it. Mama shared it with me when I was ten, and I've never forgotten."

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