Chapter 7

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After the dinner date, I became closer to him, we went to a lot of places together, like cafes, amusement parks, more dinner dates, and sometimes he would just sit at the cafe the whole day and watch me work. I really like him, no I love him. He is the man of my dreams, I wonder if he likes me like that, but he's such a good looking man, why would he fall for me? Please let me be with him, that's all I wish for.
It's been a 9 months since we first met each other, and I really want to confess my feelings, but I get all nervous and overwhelmed when I try. But I have to tell him, I've held it in for way too long, I need to tell him. I plan a dinner date to a sushi restaurant the next day. I wore my best outfit and did my best styling my hair. And when Ace picked my up, I felt like I was going to have a meltdown, I was sweating and fidgety, I was going to die if I don't tell him.

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