10 - Hate You

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I hate him. I hate him. Anger flows through my vains creating a strange frozen heat to flood me.  James finally let me leave, with instructions that our first in public date is tonight. I want to fall apart, I'm so close to falling apart. I hate him with every fiber of my being. He is the embodyment of evil. The living breathing example of the devil. I hate him. I will always hate him. 

Walking into my bathroom I stare at my reflection, I hate it. My eyes are puffy from all the crying I have done over the past few days, cheek lightly bruised from my fight the other night, my lips cracked from dehydration, I look thinner somehow. I know I should make more of an effort to eat, it's been a few days since I've even thought about eating, however, any food would make me sick right now. I have to eat tonight, with him. With the most hated man in my life. The evil who took my mother. The last bit of family I have and he is hurting and torturing her. I hate him. I miss her. I want my mum back, I need my dad back. I am truly alone in the world now, I know that. It has never been so clear. My reflection laughs at me as I continue to stare at the girl looking back at me, I'm so weak that tears flood my eyes again, I shake them away, she's laughing at me again. Taunting me. I scream. I throw the mirror on the floor, it breaks into 7 different pieces, each one contains her. She's stairing at me, watching me. I scream, leaning against the wall and falling to my knees. I need out. I leave the bathroom, leaving the mess of a mirror there as I travel down stairs. 

Memories of my mother ambush me as I reach the room we could have called a family room. The room still contains a few stray beer cans that my mother left. She stopped cleaning up after herself years ago. I can't breathe. I'm suffocating. I hate him. I hate him so much it hurts. I hurt. Everything hurts. I know I need to pull myself together, my mother needs me. I'm the only hope she has now. 

'Who is going to be your hope?' My thoughts ask, vibrating around my brain. The words echo and repeat until I once again feel nothing but that empty hollow in my chest that reminds me just how alone I am. I have no one to turn to. I am trapped in this situation that I can't help but feel I created myself. This was the hole I dug, now I must die in it. 

I take a deep breath and push my shakey hands into my pockets, I pretend I'm holding myself together. The tears in my eyes dry up before any could be shed and for just a moment I could pretend I'm okay. I have a book report due and so I decide I will get some of it done before I have to prepare for my date with satan, I need something to distract myself. Going to my room I prepare my desk quickly skimming through the requirements before getting started. It doesn't take long for me to shut down. The pain is overwhelming. Everything hurts so much. Too much. I don't have the energy to scream, I cannot cry not again, and I just cannot focus on this stupid report. With no other options I lie down on my bed, letting the pain, sadness and anger wash over me. 

Time passes, it feels like hours and it could have been. My phone buzzes and despite the irritation I check to see who it could be. I pray it's not James. I couldn't face talking to James right now. I hate James. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him so much. Why does he do this to me? To my relief I see it isn't James. I can't help but sigh in relief. Instead it's an unknown number which does confuse me. 

'Hey, its Leona call me when you get a chance!' I stare at the message confused. Poor girl must have the wrong number. Before I can tell her my phone rings, showing the same mysterious number. I sigh and sit up before answering the call. 

"Willow!" Lukus' voice comes through the phone. "Please tell me you are okay." Lukus sounds so worried, I know I have to tell him what he wants to hear.

"Yes, I'm okay." I force a happiness into my voice that I just don't feel. Another sharp pain hits me. "Now how the hell did you get my number, why are you called Leona and what the fuck Luke?" My questions pile out as almost one entire sentence. 

"Shh, your number is easy to get for starters, you should get a better phone company they are too easy to hack. We have made a plan!" Lukus exclaims, he sounds so proud of himself. I want to shut him down, I need to shut them out. My mother's bloody and bruised body comes to mind and I shiver. I shake my head frantically. 

"No Luke, you don't have a plan." I refuse him. 

"Please, just hear us out." Lukus begs,  I shake my head despite knowing he cannot see me. "Please Willy." I squeeze my eyes shut. 

"Luke, he'll kill her." My voice sounds so broken I no longer recognise it. I cannot lose anything else, I have nothing else to lose. "Please don't make me endanger her." 

"Willow, please, you don't have to do this alone. You don't have to be alone." Lukus sounds almost like he's begging. A stray tear brushes down my cheek. "At least hear us out. Please we just want to help. I just want to help." I'm suffoacting again. I can't breathe. Too much is happening. I'm suffocating. 

"It's my mum Luke, what would you do?" Lukus goes quiet and I nod to myself. "That's what I thought. Just give up. I'll be okay." I hang up before he can say anything else and lay back down. My chest feeling tight, too tight. I'm scared. Everything is scary. I'm alone again. 

'You don't have to be.' The voice in my head tells me. I shake my head. I cannot endanger my mother. 'Hear them out.' The voice tells me again. I shake my head, it's almost 4 o'clock and there is a knock at my door. I pray it's just a post man or something. I cannot deal with anything else today and I still have to get ready for the stupid date. When I open the door I am pleasantly surprised by the fact it actually is just a delivery. 

"Are you urm, Willow Green?" The woman asks. I nod and she smiles sweetly. "Here you go sweetie." The woman passes me a package and I sign her small device. She waves me goodbye and goes off to continue her rounds. Such a small encounter gave me just a little relief. Something normal to hold onto. 

I take the package to my room and wonder what it could be, I know I haven't ordered anything recently. I open it to reveal a velvet purple dress, with a note on top. 'Cant wait to see you tonight- J'. I take the note and tear it to bits. I hate him. I hate him with everything I am. 

Lukus's POV

"What happened with Willow? She agree to see us?" Josh asks, a hopeful gleem in his eyes. I shake my head, feeling defeated. She was right, if it was my mum or any member of my family I would do the same.

"No." Just like that he deflates. "Mrs Black is going to kill us." 

"Mr Black is going to kill us." I argue. 

"Oliver is going to kill us." Josh argues. I feel anger flare within me. 

"Oliver caused this." I snap. I have never really felt any resentment towards my closest friend, however after hearing Willow's story I cant control this rage within me. 

"How did he do that Luke? Did he go and hold a gun to James' head and force him to do this to Willow?" Josh asks, he's been weirdly optamistic since we found out a guy he vouched for was a mole. He wasn't innitually but after college he seemed more... vengeful than anything else. 

"If he had been there, she would have never been with James. If he had protected her like he claims he fucking wanted to than she wouldn't be in this situation. If he was her best friend he would at least fucking know that..." I trail off, that isn't my secret to tell. 

"He would know what?" Josh asks. 

"It's not for me to tell." I reply, my voice low and soft. "We just need to find a way to help her, okay?" Josh nods. I knew helping her would be hard, but I also know it would never be out of the question. At times it seemed our lives revolved around little Willow Green. But there is so much we don't know about her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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