Day 15: By Your Side

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"You doing okay, there?" A familiarly teasing tone sounds from the doorjamb of the small office you usually keep so tidy, your gaze raising to meet the source of the voice.

A soft smile tugs at the edges of your lips as you allow your eyes to wander over the welcoming figure of the man who'd kept you up so late last night, the foggy memories of his touch and warmth sending a slight shiver dancing down your spine.

Tom Hudner is clad in his usual flight attire, a plain pair of slacks and a dark brown leather bomber jacket, his helmet held idle in his grasp, his shoulder resting comfortably as he leans against the wooden doorframe, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.

"You're hilarious," You grumble with a light laugh, pushing the chair you sit in away from the desk and making your way to your feet, nearing where your pilot stands. "I have to get these files all sorted by the end of the day today, though I can't say I'm making much progress."

Gesturing to the mess, you sigh, though you offer a grin.

"Other than that, though, I'm doing just fine."

"You're not tired?"

Scoffing, you elbow your boyfriend playfully as you pass him by, earning a huff of confusion from him as he hastily follows, falling into step at your side.

"You already know the answer to that question, Lieutenant," You chuckle, the pair of you making quick work of navigating the familiar hallways, barely slowing down as you step out onto the tarmac, the brilliant afternoon sunshine shining down on you.

There's a certain buzz of excitement in the air as you trail after Tom slightly, watching him group up with the other pilots from afar.

Today's their second day training on the Corsair.

Yesterday had been filled with nerves and unease, but today...

Something seems different.

There's still plenty of room for error, he'd explained it to you last night.

"Too much throttle coming in on approach and she'll flip on a dime almost instantly," His gaze had gotten dark for a moment, expression solemn. "Someone's bound to make that mistake sooner or later."

You're just praying that today isn't the day.

Shrugging yourself from your thoughts, you wave to the pair striding down the asphalt, their white helmets in hand, their others being raised to wave back towards you, a certain warmth swelling within you.

"Just get back down here in one piece," You mumble aloud to no one in particular, the familiarly comforting sound of all the planes on the air field starting up, reaching your ears and setting you at ease slightly as you wander absentmindedly back the way you'd came taking a seat on the rather ancient, unstable looking chair sitting outside the main door.

Finishing those files can wait...

For now...

Your thoughts trail off as you sink in the uncomfortable seat, the cool breeze blowing softly against your cheeks as your gaze wanders the heavens, watching silently as each plane leaves the ground with such grace and beauty, it never fails to make you wonder how in the world such a machine can be tamed and learnt by mere men.

Even though sometimes, that man can fail.


The sound of many propellers growing louder with each passing moment is what wakes you from your momentary slumber, your now slumped figure rightening slowly in the chair you'd fallen asleep in, your eyes blinking a few times to clear the grain from them.

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