The same place I've always been

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" Kayra asked.

The woman didn't take her eyes off the fridge. "Doesn't look like there's anything for dinner..."

She walked into the living room. "Can you go out and buy a few things?"

"Why?" The man asked. He had no intention of going.

"No dinner." Mrs. Lewis replied. She knew this routine too well.

"Just order something." He took the leaflet that was with the newspapers. Kayra thought of her South Asian grandmother. Take out? She would be taking out three sets of ears instead.

After a small disagreement, pizza was ordered. She turned to the stairs.

Her mother finally noticed the tea. "You're drinking that now? Stop playing around and have your meals on time. I don't want you getting gastritis."

Her father, who just remembered she was there, called out, "Kayra come watch the news, it's important for school. General knowledge and such."

That'll happen the day my life depends on it.

Instead she replied, "Homework". She would be coming back down for dinner anyways.

And she did. Not long after, the pizza arrived. Gladly taking the excuse to stop working, she slumped onto the sofa. Not paying attention to a thing the news anchor said. She sat one leg crossed, the other dangling over the edge. The mother on the left, the daughter on the right, and the father in the middle. The mayonnaise and cheese ticked her taste buds.

"I forgot to tell you that I'm going to Anna's place after the haircut." Kayra told her parents.

Mrs. Lewis turned to face her. "Then you'll have to go by yourself."

"Why?" Kayra asked in shock. She wasn't used to travelling alone, aside from going to school.

"I'll go with you up to the salon, afterwards I have shop for the things Papa Bear refused to buy tonight."

"Can't you drop me off and then go?"

"Don't fuss. Just go by yourself."

Kayra struggled to come up with an excuse. "She lives on the other side of town... Dad, can't you take me?"

"You know I work on Saturday mornings. Besides this is a chance for you to grow out of that shell you're in. We've spoilt you too much."


"You're going. End of story."

It was ironic, as Kayra was nowhere near finishing the story she was writing instead of doing her homework. She spent another half an hour with it, as it was the weekend. Then flopped down to go to bed. She wished everything was more than a boring routine. More like the books she read and wrote. She sighed.

If only life was more... magical... more wonderful... If I was different from what I am now...

• • •

Kayra looked in the mirror one last time.

A long sleaved white blouse was tucked into the strappy black dress. Black stockings, her watch, and her favorite black ankle boots. She didn't bother tying her hair, the tips of which went past her shoulders. Purse slung over her shoulder, she went to join her mother.

As discussed, Mrs. Lewis and Kayra took the bus to the salon. There they parted ways, and Kayra nervously sat down for the haircut. An hour later she was already on another bus to her friend's house. She was far more anxious than she should have been. But her parents were right, she needed to learn to do things on her own.

Kayra walked into the house. She was thankful she found it without many issues. Anna greeted her and commented on the new hairdo. The black locks now brushed the bottom of her neck instead of her shoulders. If not for the dress, someone might have mistaken her for a boy. Not that anyone could actually be that stupid.

Kayra's hand was sniffed by the dog. He was must have recognized her from the first visit. When he was done, she crouched down and petted him to her heart's content.

After washing her hands, she sat beside her friend. The first episode had barely begun, and her friend was already whining.

"Don't worry," Kayra reassured her. "It literally just started."

"That scene's different in the book..." she mused.

"Yeah... I hope they don't mess with the important stuff." Kayra muttered. "But, it can't be that bad."

• • •

It was.

"Uuuughhhh..." Kayra whined, head lightly hitting the backrest.

"That was so cringe...!" The friend covered her face and sank in her seat.

• • •

"I can't believe they changed the actress for 'diversity'. That's great and all, but the main cast is still diverse withou-"

Kayra cut her friend off.

"Wait. Go back. I missed that part."

• • •


"Are you stupid?!"




And that's chapter 1.

Quick question: Is it common to feel warm/hot when you're nervous? I've felt it a few times when a teacher really scared me, but I don't know anyone else like that.

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