"Its all yours"

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After the whole damn operation, everyone thankfully came out unscathed including me. Ghost and I never had a conversation beyond short operation related conversations. Our private channel was never activated by either of us.

While we were in the car I could feel his gaze from time to time as I also glanced at him several times while he was not looking at me. I was very upset with him, I understand that he is my lieutenant and I should respect him because he got more rank power than me....but I still think his decision to put me on high ground was unnecessary. And after what we did....although I never expected that after having sex with him, he would start treating me like a princess out of nowhere...but I thought...for a moment he would be interested in me more.

Y'all listening me I'm like a child in lack of attention. Wtf is going on with me...But- I'm getting wrapped up in it...I don't understand why or why I'm so interested but...yeah....

I hope you guys understand me.

I was taking a shower while thinking about everything that had happened...and I was giving little glances at the curtain waiting for him to come in...I am so delusional.

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It was already 2:00am and I was walking to my private room when I saw Price standing in front of my door smoking.

"Price?" Hearing me he looked at me.

"Melina, what happened with Riley?"


"Nothing because?" I lied to him.

"Well, to not be nothing... cute show you both did in front of everyone they even came up to me."


"I just don't understand why he put me on higher ground! Why?!"

"Melina...we'd better talk tomorrow. Come to my office early in the morning. We need to talk."

His last sentence made my heart skip a beat and made my hands sweat in 1 second.
I wasn't scared because he is my captain but that he didn't say it as my captain...but as my "father".

That's really scary or am I wrong?!


"Good. Now go to bed. See you tomorrow." Price gave me a kiss on my forehead and left.

And now how the hell does this old man expect me to sleep in peace?! I'm finished. Damn you Simon Riley.

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* knock knock *

"Come in." I heard Price's thick voice.

As I walked in I quickly sat down in the chair in front of his improvised office since we weren't at our base.

"So?" I asked. I was anxious and worried.

"Good morning first of all."

"Yes, sorry. Good morning."

"Well...Melina I'm going to ask you a simple question, and I want you to answer it with all the sincerity in the world. I'm not asking it as your Captain, but as John, okay?"

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