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When we arrived at the base again, Ghost took me straight to the medical wing we had at the base. He didn't stay with me but I liked the simple fact that he took me there.

They ran all kinds of tests from MRI to X-Ray.

"Sergeant Gates?" The doctor called out to me.
I walked over to him and we both went into his office.

"Well, I have your studies here. You'll be fine, it was just a flesh wound. No organs damaged or punctured. No internal bleeding. The bruise was caused by the bullet hitting the plate itself, the velocity and series of the bullet well it caused this for you."

I gave a slight smile, I was happy because I won't be pulled out of the mission for being wounded in combat. I'll be able to continue at Ghost's side.

"So- I'm not out?"

"No. You can keep working. It will be hard for the first few days, but with the help of your meds you'll get better."

The doctor handed me a bottle of pills and opened the pot and handed me a bottle of water along with two pills.

"You will take 2 now but the other days it will be 1 daily."

I took the pills along with the bottle.
Swallowing them I stood up and took my bottle of pills.

"Thank you very much, doctor."

"You're welcome, Gates."

I left the medical wing and headed for the meeting room where my team was supposed to be...went to open the door when I overheard a somewhat pleasant conversation.....

G- "Price, give her the go."

P- "tell me your reasons?"

G- "she's not prepared for this type of environment. It's her first assignment being here and she's already been shot in the torso. She is not prepared."

P- "We all got shot on our first missions. She has experience, she was the only woman with high honor at cadet graduation, she went on several dangerous missions. You just need to give her a little time to adjust to how we operate, she's your partner, why don't you help her?"

G- "that shot could have cost her life."

P- "Riley-"

G- "all right sir. But if she loses her life in action- I won't take responsibility for her."

I waited for Price to leave the room, so I could face Simon. I was furious, how dare him!

As I walked in, Simon was standing staring at the whiteboard of our operation with his hands on either side of his waist.

"What's your problem?" I took the courage to ask.

"You are weak."

Weak?! What the fuck is wrong with him?!

"I'm sorry? I'd like you to repeat it because I think I misunderstood." I said between sarcastic laughs as I approached him.

"You got it right at the first time. You're weak."

I grabbed him by the arm to turn him around but he ended up grabbing me by the back of the neck and lifting my head up so I could see him.

His skull mask was a little scary to me and his eyes were very intimidating but I didn't break eye contact with him.

"Don't make me do something I don't want to do." His voice became a little menacing.

"Are you threatening me? Do it then. Do what you want to do."

His grip became tighter making my whole neck ache. It was a sharp pain but I don't know why I was liking it...I felt my underwear getting wet...I bit my lips, Ghost's eyes expression changed to a surprised one as he lowered his gaze to my lips.

"You like this? You like the pain? Ah?"

"Yes. I like it," I replied in the most slutty voice I could do...I was horny at this point already.

"You're such a fucking bitch." He gave a seductive laugh but let go of me making me bump into the table.

I rubbed the back of my neck from the pain Ghost's hand caused.

"We leave again at 2100 (9:00pm)."
Ghost walked out of the room, leaving me alone.

Why do I feel this way about him? I know I haven't had sex with a man in a while but what the fuck?! He's hot, he's sexy and his mask makes me feel things...so I don't blame myself so much.

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We were all in our black uniforms and our assault weapons. I felt a huge pain from the bulletproof vest putting pressure on me but I have to hold on like the baddie that I am.

I had already been the first to arrive at the helicopter and I was already seated and ready. The door opened and the others began to enter. Soap was the first to enter and the last was Ghost sitting across from me.
Soap and Kyle to my both sides while Price sat next to Ghost.

"Are you okay?" Soap asked me.

I gave him a smile- "yeah, the vest kills me like a curse but I'm fine." I replied pointing to my vest.

I felt Ghost's piercing gaze on us.
Then Gaz patted my right thigh making me turn to where he was.

"Good thing that wasn't a damaging wound." Gaz said.

"Yeah, I was lucky."

Ghost kept looking at me. What was his problem? The back of my neck still hurt because of him.

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes and stopped looking at him.

When we got to the other base we were going to raid to see if we ran into Hassan, there were several American helicopters and soldiers all over the place. Price got out and quickly started asking for the captain of the unit that was there. While we just looked both ways.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Soap asked as he laughed .

"Focus MacTavish." Ghost told him.

"Yeah yeah, relax." Soap told him as he gave Ghost a slight shove.

Then Price came back- "Hassan's gone. The base was abandoned."

"But who are they?" Gaz asked him.

"Part of the army. Pack your bags because we're leaving for Mexico."

"Mexico?" I asked this time.

"Hassan is going to try to cross the border."


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