【 𝐎 𝐍 𝐄 】

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As the wind howled throughout the congested, crowded streets that was filled with people stumbling, pushing over each other, a petite, delicate woman walked slowly across the pathway beside the filled up streets, serenity's the only thing in her mind.

The panoramic, breathtaking view surrounded the brunette, leaves of different warm colours falling with slow motion, as scrunching was heard from the stepped scrunched leaves. The first day of Autumn was slowly fading into another new day, and the brunette, Mei, thought that the day couldn't get any better.


Abruptly, Mei merged into a muscular body-form, causing a thud noise. Everyone on the congested streets glanced at them with suspicious expressions plastered on their faces, but a moment later, they went back to their normal state, going on about with whatever business they're experiencing.

"Ah! Sorr-" The brunette got cut off by a warm, rough sensation wrapped around her hands, as the taller man stood up, along with her. Mei averted her gaze downwards, seeing their hands intertwine tightly.

Heat arose to her cheeks, a baby pink tinted hue scattered across her face. Albeit, her fantasy disappeared as she snapped into reality. "No, I should be apologising, I bumped into a lady" A melancholy, yet horse voice escaped from his lips, although, a poker expression was plastered on him.

The woman slowly nodded, steam flowing out of her head. The man then curved his lips into an upward crescent, a small smile mustered. The brunette's face turned redder than a tomato, the man slowly giving her a taste of diabetes.

"W-well, I should be going then" Mei replied, backing up slowly, running with immense speed afterwards. A concerned expression arose to the man's face, as sweat streamed down through the back view of his head, down to his nape with a sense of uneasiness.

Both of the woman's dainty hands motioned to her cheeks, her coldness disappearing almost instantly. She steadingly sighed deeply, lines forming underneath her eyes. She felt heat arose once more, but she tried to reduce the heat this time. 'Is this.. what they call love at first sight?'

When she went home, she laid in her bed, gazing up to the ceiling as if she was staring at the dazzling, night sky as glimmering stars shone down on her features, a golden hue highlighted at the end of her hair strand.

A mirage of a man-shaped silhouette appeared, that illusion kept spinning around her head, unable for it to perish. A throbbing sensation pounded loudly from her chest, the throbbing noise shifting to her ears. It felt like her ears were bleeding from the inside, and that feeling wasn't pleasant at all.

"Ugh..What's happening to me?!" Mei exclaimed loudly, her words loud enough for her sister to hear from the room beside her. A loud, annoyed groan was heard from the room beside the woman. Loud footsteps trailed, as the loud footsteps lead to her room. The door slammed, a loud screeching sound formed, as a tired face was shown on her sister.

"Just, why are you so loud, especially in the middle of the night?!" A hoarse, aggressive tone escaped from her, her eyebrows scrunching up. Mei, was now very scared to feel her older sister's wrath now.

A loud sigh formed, as her sister slammed the door closed. A relieved sigh came from Mei, glad she's not feeling her wrath, by now, she would be feeling immense pain, but not this time. A wide smile crept onto her features, a sign of jubilance bouncing about.

As she slammed head-first onto her bedsheets, a satisfied moan came from her, as her fantasies wandered around her mind. She squealed quite loudly. Ok, maybe, that was an understatement, because she was about to experience a beat up session from her sister any minute now.

"GAHH, WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYING!!" A loud scream scattered across town. Hundreds of people felt a chill vibrate across their spines, and frightened children tugged onto their parents sleeves, as worried parents holds a scared face, afraid of getting murdered.

A lifeless corpse then flew out of the window, a pool of blood gushing out of her back. "Hah...I'm dead." Suddenly, a visible ghost flowed out of her body. "Hm?" A familiar voice echoed in her ears, her soul descending to her body. She went back conscious and straightened her back, her gaze going upwards until she saw the man she has been fantasizing about.


She fell unconscious again, blood spilling from her nose. A worried expression showed on the man's face as his mouth curved into a frown. He carefully picked her up bridal-style, aware to not wake her up from her deep slumber. His frown curved into a small smile, as he jumped up high through the window, and placed her back to bed, and jumped out of the window again without any injuries.

As he was walking pass her house, his gaze averted backwards to the house, specifically to the window, where it showed Mei sleeping with a peaceful face plastered. His smile widened at the sight, along with his eyes softening. 'She's cute when asleep'

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