'the king is a lost cause, it is the rest of us I am worried about now,' Tyrion told them.

'To a twisted demon monkey!' the man went on

'You have to admire his imagination' Tyrion said a small grin on his face as he listened to the man ridicule his elder sister.

'he is talking about you they think you are pulling the kings strings' Bronn informed him. Jill's mouth opened in a silent laugh as she looked to Tyrion.

'Blame me? I'm trying to save them.' Tyrion reminded him.

'You don't need to connive me. ' Bronn told him.

'Demon monkey?'

"You are a handsome demon monkey for what its worth." Jill offered.


They were walking back from the sept when the townspeople started complaining that they were hungry begging the king for help. Joffrey ignored their pleas.

"Are you alright?" Sansa asked leaning into Jill as she ran a hand over her head.

"yeah...' she answered distantly.

"Really convincing." Sansa informed her.

"My head just feels funny." Jill told her. "it's nothing. Maybe it's the sept." Jill offered "I don't believe in a higher power so they are punishing me to prove they are there." Tyrion chuckled ease dropping on their conversation. "I mean, if there was, our father would be alive and that little-"

"Jilly!" Sansa hushed her.

"-would be ripped apart." Jill finished. "You know you and the boys always call me jilly when you are trying to get me to shut up." Jill remarked.  "It doesn't work," Jill added. "it's just funny, did you all have a secret meeting?" She mused.

"Yes, we call it the Jilly jamboree." Sansa teased.

"Damn that sounds fun." Jill agreed. "I need to come to the next one."

"No Jill's allowed in the Jilly jamboree." Sansa countered. "its where we all talk dirt on you."

"What?" Jill faked ignorance. "me? I'm perfect, there is no dirty to talk. I assure you."  Sansa laughed out as the peoples complaints got louder.

"Jilly Jamboree." Jill repeated. "You came up with that really quick, its almost as though it is real." Sansa smirked.

"You will never know." Sansa offered.

"Tyrion." Jill hissed and he fell into step next to her. "I need you to go to the next Jilly Jamboree and take notes for me." Sansa couldn't stop laughing. "What? Tyrion is not a Jill," Jill offered with a  wink.

"Jilly Jamboree, count me in." Tyrion agreed.

"I expect Thorough notes." Jill told him nudging Sansa. Joffrey huffed out a breath and that was when the shouting and throwing started.

'We are hungry your grace.'

'Help us'

'Feed us.'


"Hey they are not talking about me for once." Jill mused.  But joffrey didn't care for their pleas. Dung flew across the sky landing on joffreys face. Jill laughed out as Joffrey became furious.

'Kill them kill them all!' Joffrey demanded

'Take the king. Protect the king!'

'CLEGANE!" Cersei demanded Sandor scooped up the little prick. The royal family rushed behind Joffrey ushered in quickly while Jill got swept up in the madness. Sandor dragged in Joffrey but Tyrion looked around for Jill but she was nowhere in sight.

"Sansa, where is your sister?" Tyrion asked and Sansa spun around.

"She was right... here. She pushed my forward..." Sansa remarked.

'Where is she? where is Jill?' Tyrion questioned. Joffrey ignored him his own head spinning from the almost attack. 'take some men and go find the -' tyrion demanded.

'I don't take orders from you imp, I take them from the king.' Meryn spat. "I'm not going back out there for a bastard." he added.

"Please, she is my sister, I can't lose her!" Sansa begged.

'If we lose her you never get your uncle Jaime back and he has done quite a lot for you!" Tyrion shouted.

Sandor didn't see Jill either, he let out a huff as he stomped back outside.

Jill's head was spinning again and she felt a trick of blood dripping into her eye. She must have gotten hit when people were throwing things. She stumbled back but hands wrapped around her arms. Her vision blurry as she blinked and blinked trying to focus.

"Back. Off.' Jill hissed. But her head was spinning and she didn't know which way was up.

"We caught ourselves a royal."

"Bastard." Jill corrected throwing an elbow back but that only pissed them off. She kicked and pulled at her arms but their grip was harsh. Another sharp hit to her head and her vision went blurry again as men grabbed her pulling at her dress. Holding her down she thrashed in their grip. She screamed, growling out, when sandor came in axe swinging around. She panted out a breath as she tried to stand up but fell back down. Sandor knelt before her.

"Nasty gash." Sandor told her.

"I gathered." Jill agreed softly, leaning back.

"Come on, ill help you." Sandor said holding out a hand for her.

"Can't I just stay here?" Jill offered and Sandor sat beside her leaning against the wall. "Is Sansa alright?"

"Shes at the capital. Safe and sound." Sandor agreed. Jill nodded but it only made her head spin more. "You are a good sister." Sandor told her.

"I try..."

"She said you pushed her forward." Sandor recalled.

"I think I saw... I think I-" she waved a hand around her head. "Whatever hit me, I think I saw it and my mind jumped to protect Sansa before I really thought about it." Jill said softly.

"Good sister." Sandor repeated. "The little lord was about to have a meltdown.' Sandor informed her as he stood up. "If we wait any longer I think he might come out here himself to get you."

"Why would be do that? Risk himself?" Jill countered.

"I suppose you are blind." Sandor told her as he helped her up. "Little lord likes you."

'Snow are you alright?" Tyrion questioned when they got back. He had been pacing, he was one breath away from heading out there himself.

"She needs a maester." Sandor remarked. Tyrion looked to the gash on her head.

"I'm fine." Jill assured as Sansa hugged her. "Thank you Sandor." He nodded as he headed  off.

"Good work clengae." Tyrion told him.

'I didn't do it for you."

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now