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Alex had much more to worry about than a simple stomachache. Her girlfriend just apparently died. Her father could be wrong though, maybe Jules wasn't dead yet and could've been able to be revived in someway. Alex had completely blocked all possibilities of her being dead out of her mind. She refused to believe it was true. Who wouldn't though? The mere thought would be unbearable as hell if not unbelievable.

She managed to crawl back from her bathroom to her bed again but she would stop crying. Her face was red and puffy. Heated up from all the bawling. She just couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop. One part of her mind was believing Jules was truly gone while the other side was fighting to ignore the truth. The girl was at war with own mind. She couldn't choose a side unaware of which could be true.

Back with JT, he sat in a room by himself at the police station, still absolutely in ruins. Bloody from his shirt to his pants. With his head resting on the table as his thoughts went wild. Everything was going so well that day until it happened. He couldn't comprehend this. He was just hoping he could sleep this off and wake up to find out this whole thing was just a really bad dream.

He finally leaned his head up amongst hearing the door open. "Mr. Park?" "Yeah it's me. I'm so, very sorry for what happened today" He apologized, sitting down in the chair on the other side of the table. "I'm just gonna sit here with you until a detective can come in here and question you"

"You won't be the one interrogating me?" JT asked. "Son, I'm a cop. Not a detective. Two totally different things" JT nodded, and continued staring at his clean hands. Well, partially clean hands. He had cleaned his hands before entering the interrogation room and his hands were still slightly red.

"Does Alex know about this?" JT asked, breaking the silence in the room. Jinyoung's body froze up upon hearing this question. But he knew he couldn't just not answer. "Yes, yes she does" "Where are my parents?" JT asked again. "All I know is that they're on their way here" JT nodded, sniffling.

"What the fuck is going on with my life?" JT asked, resting his head on the table again. "I can't answer that one buddy. But hey, I promise I will do everything I can do to find out what happened" "I trust that you will. And whoever else" The two shook hands before an detective finally entered the room. "Hello Julian" The man greeted.

"JT. It's JT thanks" The boy corrected. "Ok JT, I'm detective Milo and I think we both know why we're here" "Do you think that Mr. Park can stay here?" JT asked looking up at Jinyoung. Milo sighed and nodded. "Yeah, if that makes you feel better. He can stay" Jinyoung nodded before sitting in another chair in the room.

"Now JT. Tell me what happened today" Milo asked. JT hesitated at first not really wanting to remember the gruesome sighting of his little sister. "Hey, you got this kid. No pressure" Jinyoung tried encouraging. JT took a deep breath before finally responding. "Jules and I were at the school earlier this morning. I was going to ask Jules to help me with something and the last place I saw her at was in the gym and she.. she was fine. Then I got back to the gym and... fuck"

"You saw her laying there?" Milo asked. JT nodded feeling like he was on the verge of crying again. "Covered in blood. It was sickening" He choked up"

"Look JT, as upsetting as this is. I don't see how this is possible. You say Jules was alive when she entered the school gym. And when you go back in thrto find her, she was dead. How is that possible? Is there something you aren't telling us?"

JT was quickly offended by the detective's words. His mind was already a chaotic mess, so his responds weren't gonna be as gentle. "Do I look like I would know the answer to that, dumb fuck?" He scolded. "How the fuck would I know what was going through my sister's mind that day!? She was perfectly FINE. I don't know what the hell happened"

"Hey please, c-calm down JT" Milo stammered. "No fuck that! Are you seriously telling me to calm down!? You practically just accused me of killing my own sister!"

"JT please relax we aren't trying accuse you of anything!" Jinyoung reassured. He rushed over to JT wrapping his arms around the boy to keep him from getting more erratic. Eventually after a few more rants JT stopped. He leaned against the officer, tears streaking his face. "Can we just stop this now?" The teen asked. "Yes. Yes we can" Milo approved.

The interrogation hasn't even gone on more a half an hour before that all happened. Soon Timothy and Aileen picked up JT from the station and took him straight home. Not without giving everyone in the station a harsh outburst. The car was practically a ghost town. No one spoke the entire time. With the exception of Aileen, the grieving mom who was crying in the passenger seat. The parents had went down to the coroner and identify Jules' body. Her neck was open and slit. Her eyes shut. Her skin cold and pale. She honestly looked peaceful but according to the coroner, she died a predominantly painful and slow death.

Sebastian made it all the way back to his home after seeing the schools which had turned into an active crime scene. He still didn't know what exactly happened. All he knew is that someone died and the school off limits to the unauthorized eye. He unlocked the front door to his house and rushed in, dropping his bookbag in the process. His mom Gretchen, was sitting in the living room when she saw her son barge into the house. She was obviously shocked, thinking that her son was at school.

"Sebby? Sebby what are you doing home? You should be at school right now! Don't tell me you're ditching" The mom demanded.

"Mom, the school's a fucking crime scene now" Sebastian confirmed. Gretchen's jaw dropped. Why wasn't she informed of this sooner? "What the hell? What happened?" She asked. "I don't know mom. I think someone died. They walked out with a body  but I-I-I don't know what happened" Sebastian went on, pacing around the living room.

"Well I guess I'm gonna have to call and see what's going on. This is insane" Gretchen said rubbing the bridge of her nose. Sebastian went upstairs to his room where he tried calling JT hoping he had heard the news. He unfortunately did but not in the way Sebastian would ever think. He called and called but no answers were coming through. Sebastian was confused by this as he and JT were close friends and JT would always answer Sebastian's phone calls, no matter what the situation was but, not this time. Why?

Author's note: I literally blacked out trying to make this chapter. That's saying a lot

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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Rest in peace, Jules (closed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ