1.7} The Sibling's Loss

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"I'm such an idiot." Yasmina starts to walk off, making Sammy follow her to fix their friendship.

"You are wrong! I just didn't know how to say it, how to explain to you. Just because I spied doesn't change who I am." Sammy reaches for her shoulder only for Yasmina to jolt away.

"Don't touch me! Go away, Sammy." Sammy starts to whimper and cry as she starts to leave. Yasmina walks towards us with Bumpy trying to cheer her up. "Not now, Bumpy."

"Look, I know the situation we're in is suboptimal-" Brooklynn cuts Ben's sentence short.

"It's trash. Just say it's trash, Ben." She pinches her nose causing me to silently laugh.

"Yes, but despite the obvious trashitude..." bumpy jumps up and down trying to get Ben's attention. "We... we need to- Bumpy what are you..." we then hear rumbling coming from behind us.

We turn around as we see the Indominus Rex cut through the trees letting out a roar. We all scream as we run out of the way. Ben and I push Bumpy to the other side of the van. "This is trash! This is trash!" He yells out as we all hide.

As it runs past us we hear a helicopter whirring right behind shooting it. "Luca! It's Uncle Masrani! The call sign is on the tail!" I shout, jumping up and down.

"Let's go uncle!" Luca joins in cheering.

"They're shooting at the Indominus!" Darius yells. We all run out from our hiding as we watch from our area. We hear an explosion making me guess that the Indominus broke glass running into the big pteranodon aviary.

"What was that?" Brooklynn asks but doesn't get an answer as Kenji joins Luca and I in cheering.

"Yeah! Kick his ass, Masrani! We're saved! Yeah, baby! I told you, they've got it totally under-" I watch in horror as a few pteranodons start attacking the helicopter causing it to break down. It crashes the top of the aviary causing a giant explosion.

"No!" I was about to run to the scene only to be stopped by Ben hugging me back so I didn't go, Bumpy also stopping me as she had her head pushing me back. Kenji also stops Luca from also leaving by grabbing his arm.

"With these pteranodons loose, we're sitting ducks! We've gotta take cover!" Darius instructs us as heaps of pteranodons are flying out of the aviary towards our way.

"The kayak river!" Kenji yells out as he takes the tablet from Brooklynn. "The entrance is near here. It goes underground, beneath the ridge. If we follow it, it'll take us right to the main park."

"Then that's where we need to be. Come on!" We all ran with Ben and I carrying Bumpy with us to the entrance of the kayaking area.

"Come on!" We duck down as one of the pteranodons swoops at us before we make a turn using the trees to cover us.

"There it is." I hear Brooklynn say as Ben and I fall

"Bumpy! Come on, we need to go in!" Ben yells out.

"Hurry up Bumpy! We gotta go now!" I also yell as the three of us run out of the way from a pteranodon that landed right where we were seconds ago. We run into the tunnel and run straight through the door. Yasmina closes it in time causing the pteranodon to fly into the door, missing us.

"Jurassic World River Adventures." The automated voice starts. "Prepare yourselves for the wonder of the underground river. Two adventurers per kayak. Life vests must be worn at all times. Adults, please fasten your own life vests before helping little adventurers." Luca and I grab a vest each as we walk towards one of the kayaks.

"Remain seated at all times. Your journey begins now." As I walk past Sammy I stop to look at her.

"For what it's worth, I forgive you and so does Luca. Mantah Corp always goes to extreme measures to get what they want." I put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It was wrong of them for what they did to you.

Lady Of Secrets {Ben Pincus x F!Reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ