The Land Of Stories

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(Media:Nicole's outfit)


"Im comin'.....I'm comin'....." Like a zombie I trudged from my bed and opened the door. Alex was standing in the middle of the hallway wide eyed and restless.

"Can I borrow some of your paint brushes?"

I snapped out of my trance and looked at her confused. "Why do you need my paintbrushes?!"

Those electric blue eyes sparked for a second, "U-uh....I accidentally stained something on my juice onto the walls. Now I wanna paint over it."

She snatched the brushes after I went to retrieve them. Without another word she ran all the way back to her room. Hold on,

What about the paint?

Confused, I sat down on the bed and looked down the window. Alex has been doing this for the past week, shes been awake. All night. And im worried, what's going on with her? It started the night after our birth-

My thoughts were drawn away when I saw another floating jellyfish. Inside my room!! And it was glowing brighter than usual. Climbing out of my bed I grabbed an old glass jar and tried catching the jellyfish like a butterfly. After several failed attempts I finally caught it, it seemed to sparkle behind the glass.

"Now, "I said to it as I set the jar on the table, "What are you here for?"

-The Next Day-

"Can anyone tell me the names of the rivers that ran through ancient Mesopotamia? " Mrs.Peters asked the next day.

Alex didn't raise her hand, I watched from afar as she stared at the floor.

"The Tigris and Euphrates,"She informed us, "Can anyone tell me what the area between these two rivers is believed to be?" Everyone stared at Alex, expecting her to answer.

"Miss Bailey, perhaps you know the answer?" Mrs.Peters practically pleaded.

Alex snapped from her trance " To what?"

"The question."

"Oh..." Alex said, "No, I don't."

Everyone in the room froze, Alex always knew the answers!! Confused, I ran a hand underneath my beanie.

"The cradle of the civilization," Our teacher sighed, "Many believed that man kind started there- Miss Bailey!!"

Alex sat up quickly in her seat, the most unexplainable happening had just occurred. Alex doze off in class!!! Was this even the sister I know and love!?

"I-I-I am so sorry Mrs.Peters!!" A red faced Alex pleaded, "I dont know what came over me! I haven't been sleeping very well lately!"

Conner and I looked at each other in worry. She was becoming-well, Conner.

"That's.....that's all you need to go see the nurse?" Our teacher asked, obviously concerned.

"No.....I'm fine. Just a little sleepy." Alex returned to staring at the floor."I promise it'll never happen again."

This was weird. Does this have anything to do with her borrowing my paintbrushes yesterday? Just as I sighed and straightened my army messenger bag, a strange low humming filled the room. Conner leaned into my ear,
"Nic? Do you hear that?"
While shaking my head, I answered,"Yeah. Do you think it's someone's phone?"
My brother merely shrugged and turned back to out teacher.

"Can anyone tell me the technologies Mesopotamia brought to the Bronze Age?" Our teacher seemed to be deaf, "Anyone?"

Suddenly a hand shot straight into the air.

I Don't Belong....And I Never Have.Where stories live. Discover now