September 20th 1986

Start from the beginning

8:09 AM

We're near Thomas's branch line, but we had to stop for a supply run. I just wanted to add this as I'm starting to stress out about all this. Everytime I get a chance to relax, I suddenly need to deal with a new problem. Oh also, for once is a long time we finally got some rain. I'm only realizing now how lucky I am to still be alive. I'm assuming that all of this loss is having an effect on the island. Everything just seems so lifeless now, and I have no idea how long it will take before someone saves us. If there's ANY hope left, it's just a dying ember at this point. Alright, enough babbling. It's time to go now, everyone is ready to continue on.

9:52 AM

"Does god hate us?", that's what I'm thinking right now. While we were travelling down the line, Salty pointed out some old, rusted tracks. We paused for a moment and inspected them. They seemed to not be in any sort of damage, and felt safe enough, so we went down the line. What we found at the end of the line was an old mine. I don't quite remember the name, but I do remember that Thomas went down a mine here once. Shortly after, it closed down and Sir Topham Hatt opened a new mine down the line, which also unfortunately closed after an accident. There didn't seem to be much there besides stone. However, when we were preparing to leave we heard a very familiar whistle. It was coming from a nearby mineshaft. We heard slow chuffs heading our way and prepared for yet another brawl. But before we could fire away, the engine revealed himself. Me and Erick's jaws dropped in horror, and Duck let out a gasp. A horribly mutated Neville sat right in front of us. Half his face was gone, and there seemed to be blood near his eyes. Instead of the usual steam, he was emitting dark ashes out of his smokebox. He didn't say much, he simply just stared at us. Duck immediately questioned him on how he was alive, and how he even ended up in the mines. He explained I'm small sentences that when he was mutated, he passed out for 3 days until waking up at Great Waterton. Somehow, he was able to move on his own. He tried seeking help, but the only people he found were mutated or dead. After a while, he decided to stay in the mine and just rest until the nightmare was over. While we explained what happened during all of these days, we heard a rumbling noise. We all looked in horror as the mine collapsed, right onto Neville, killing him. If this had took place around the time this all started, we would've cried. But now, we've seen so much that stuff like this is normal. We all puffed out of the mines, and continued our way down the line. We're at FFarqhuar station now, taking in some coal and water and seeing what we can find in the station. I'm not sure why but I'm getting this sort of feeling that we're approaching the end, whatever that means.

10:38 AM

Remember when I thought god hated us? Turns out it's true. We were almost at the quarry when we heard groaning noises, but we didn't take that much notice at it only seemed like 2 regular mutated folks. Terrible mistake. We arrived at the quarry, to see Mavis, perfectly fine. At least that's what we thought. When she spotted, us she suddenly had a look on her face that something bad was about to happen to us. She was muttering something about how we shouldn't be here. Only I seemed to notice, everyone else was just happy to see her. We approached her but she just backed away the closer we got. The groaning noises became louder and sounded more aggressive. Mavis noticed this too, and started begging for us to leave. Confused, we asked her why, but all she said was that we'd regret it. Nothing made sense, she's been missing all this time but when she's found she's upset about it. She gave us one final warning, and god I wish we took it. Mavis suddenly blew her horn, and rushed right by us. Before we could react, we heard what sounded like a max of Boco and daisy's horn. Suddenly, a mutated Boco rushed in, smashing through some trucks like it was nothing. On the other side of him was Daisy. Their bodies seemed to be conjoined by some weird force. Both of their faces seemed zombified and their paint work had mould and rust on it. They blocked the exit to the quarry, meaning we couldn't get out. Daisy suddenly dashed at us at extraordinary speeds, and rammed right into the back of Douglas. Tendrils came out of her mouth, but we quickly shot them off before they could do any damage. Suddenly, Boco got in front of some trucks, bashed into it and sent stone flying everywhere. Some of the stone hit Arlo, knocking him unconscious. Tilly rushed to his aid, barely avoid one of Boco's tendrils. This was a losing battle, Daisy is faster than everyone, and Boco's strength is unmatchable. Amanda then suggested that if we can't kill them, we should try baiting them away. This seemed unlikely to happen, but we need to take the chance. While we distracted Boco and Daisy, Donald and Douglas swiftly moved the trucks that Boco used to block the track. We blocked Daisy's path as despite her speed, she wasn't that strong. And Boco was slower than usual, so if he tried to make a move, we'd notice. Once Donald and Douglas got the trucks out of the way, the main part came into action. Rosie quickly shunted some trucks in front of her and rammed them into Boco. Carter was by some miracle able to couple Boco up to the trucks. We coupled all the engines up to the trucks as Daisy tried moving. We held them in place for about 15 seconds before the coupling started coming loose. Until finally, the coupling gave loose and daisy, not able to stop in time went speeding away. We've stayed behind trying to wrap our heads around all this, and the duo haven't returned yet so they've probably caught up with Mavis. Mavis must of been one of the unfortunate engines to get forced to help smudger. We aren't sure what to do, everything that's happened this morning is way too chaotic and we need serious rest.

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