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No one's PoV:

There was a silence between the two which felt like it was hours long. Kamari wanted to start a conversation to make it less awkward. "So, good game today." Marcus just looked at her.

"The both of us know we didn't plan to meet up  to talk about my football game but thankyou I appreciate it especially from you." Marcus words made Kamaris cheeks go red, what was he doing to the girl?

"Well you invited me here so you start it." Kamari stated trying to control her nerves.

"Okay...i'm so sorry Kamari, I don't know why I did what I did but I can't change the pass but if I could I would've never got drunk that night." Kamaris heart just hurt thinking about that night their relationship went to hell.

Flashback to June 2019

"They were trying to move to you babe!" Marcus said frustrated as he looked at Kamari.

"No they weren't Marcus, they've got fucking girlfriends all they done was hug me and told me we need to go out again that's all!" Kamari was starting to get annoyed with Marcus.

"Your so oblivious Kamari! They were all over you! It's obvious they're only friends with you to get into your pants!" Kamari was shocked by her boyfriends words.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Marcus! Don't talk about me or my friend like that! I can have mates that are boys who don't want to be in 'my pants' as you like to say! You're such a prick when you drink so cut it out!" Kamari belted at him as tears streamed down her face.

"Well fuck off then!" Marcus shouted. "I can't be assed with this shit I'm going out again." Marcus walked way from Kamari as she followed him.

"No, your not fucking leave the house until we sort this shit out." Marcus acted oblivious to kamaris words and left the house slamming the door behind him trying to make a statement.

No one's PoV:

Kamari was holding back her tears but she didn't want to cry for the second time in 10 minutes so she took a breathe and held herself together. "I just have one question Marcus."

"Go for it." Marcus said as he sipped on his water.

"Why? Why did you do this to me." Marcus put his hand to his face and rubbed it taking a heavy breath.

"I was annoyed." He stated. Kamari became annoyed.

"Annoyed? Where you annoyed because of the argument you created or where you annoyed at the fact that you were just being a knobhead for no given reason?" She said a mix of anger and confusion. Marcus didn't reply cause he knew she was right, she always was.

"Please just forgive me Kamari for my stupid decisions. I regret doing them seeming as the outcome was so so so much worse than I hoped for...please." Marcus held eye contact with Kamari and she didn't know what to think.

"Why should I though? So you can cheat on me again and treat me like shit? I'm not going through this crap all again I've had enough. You can't just expect me to forgive you and forget this shit all happened and come running back to you like you've saved our relationship, I'm fine how I am now and I'm finally happy." Kamari felt so amazing after getting those words off of her chest. Her words left Marcus speechless. This was the most uncomfortable the two felt around eachother and Kamari just wanted to get out of there. "I need to go now I've got stuff to do."

"Oh alr I let you out." The two stood up from the sofa and Kamari said bye to saint, the dog which her and Marcus got together. Marcus opened the door for Kamari. "Thankyou for actually coming around today." Marcus's said with a small smile held on his face.

"Always." Kamari held that same smile which Marcus fell for in the first place. She walked away and he kept the door opened for a little just watching her before he finally closed it and let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. He turned around and saint was sat there just looking at him. "Don't worry saint, we'll have her back eventually."

Well that happened. The feelings right now are very muddled and a bit hard to understand but you'll get the understanding of it eventually xx

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