Health and Challenges

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The elder walked in and his eyes locked onto me first, but spoke to scar. Which I thought was a bit rude so I didn't pay much attention to him.

Steel: "How is the female doing?"

Scar: " The healers said she's doing very well."

BM: "Her name is (name) elder."

I hear Bloodmoon growl. I'm guessing he didn't like the fact the elder didn't address me by my name. The air was thick between them as the elder turns to him.

Steel: "Watch you tongue bad blood. Your lucky your alive right now."

BM: "Oh you want to go old one?"

Steel: "Why you disrespectful pup!"

The situation grew quickly. Both hot heads quickly snapping. As they almost get into a fight when Scar got in-between them.

Scar: "Enough! If you guys want to fight please don't do it here!"

Steel:" Your lucky today bad blood. Alright scar I'll try to respect your wishes. I'm glad she is doing well. I'm actually surprised she is healing so quickly."

I growl in annoyance. I hate they were talking about me like I wasn't there. My growl caught everyone's attention.

(Name): "I am right here you know. If you are all about respect then show me a shred of it and talk to me directly elder. I don't mean to be disrespect you but if you want me to show you respect I expect it back!"

All jaws drop except the elder. Instead he seemed amused by my outburst.

Steel:" Good to see I didn't break you.  Your fire spirit suits you. If I had known about you being scar's mate I would have not attacked you."

(Name): "You didn't ask. I was no threat to you and you attacked me for no reason. You were trespassing in my territory. If I wasn't so distracted I wouldn't have gotten hit."

He ignored my comment about trespassing and continued to speak.

Steel: "I highly doubt that little one. It looks like you will be ready for the test when we get to our home planet."

(Name): "What test are you talking about?"

Steel: "It's to test if you truly can in our tribe. To prove your worth and bring honor. "

(Name):" I didn't agree to this! I told scar I didn't want to leave my home!"

Steel: "If you don't I'll have to kill you.  Make you a great hunt. This is our way of life. You either live or become prey."

Before I could argue he left. I was left speechless. How could scar put me through this? I look at him in disbelief.

Scar:"(name) we settled our differences. Please....please do this for us."

BM: "You won't be alone. I have to do it too. So I will have you back. I'm willing to do anything to stay by your side."

Scar was right. They both put their pride down to agree to be with me the least I can do is this. I must put my best foot forward with my mates. I'm just not sure what to expect yet from this test.

Guys thanks so much for all the love and support. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Till next time!

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