-In Loving Memory Robin Arellano-

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Your pov:

Today's the day everyone and I don't know how I'm going to get through it. One year ago today November 9th, 1978 my boyfriend Robin Arellano got kidnapped. The grabber took him just like he took his best friend Finney. God I miss him the grabber took away the one person the one fucking person that actually cared about me. I can't believe he is now gone and I can't hold him in my arms anymore. I can't kiss him. Can't clean him up after fights. Can't get him out of trouble and fights.

I miss his hair: That gorgeous dark brown hair that I used to run my finger through when he had a bad day.

I miss his eyes: His eyes were so pretty I could look into them all day if he'd let me.

I miss his fights: Besides Pinball Vance Hopper he was the best fighter Robin Arellano could rock your shit.

I miss his laugh: God that laugh I used to call annoying but secretly loved now I can't hear it anymore

I miss staying up with him: We used to pull all-nighters and it was the best we watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre

I miss our makeouts: When we had bad days or not we'd make out and it was the best ever.

Rest in piece Robin the one I truly love. MY true love

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