The men started to chuckle but then hushed when one of Theodora's kittens jumped to her shoulder, while the other stood between the girls and hissed. Suddenly, the large male Desert Cat Sekhmet leaped out of the back and yowled in threat.

The men stared in shock, they muttered to each other, arguing, then two of them walked away as the third knelt to one knee. In Arabic, he responded, "I am a follower of Bastet. I will take you to the place you wish. Only those She blesses are protected by Her children."

"He's on our side," Theodora whispered in English to Penelope.

Penelope picked up her Desert Cat and nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"Can you drive a truck?" Theodora asked in Arabic.

He shook his head as he lifted the fuel can and poured it in. "No, but I can guide you. The path you are on leads to a place where the sand is too soft for a truck. You must go around. I am Abul."

They heard Lord Carnarvon coughing and climbed into the back. Blackish purple mucus leaked from his lips and eyes. The Arab man drew back as Theodora wiped her grandfather's lips and eyes. The Desert Cats hissed at the sick man who they had tied down.

"Why is he tied up?" Abul asked with fear in his voice and eyes.

"I told you; he is sick. He needs medicine. We need to get him to an English doctor. We had to tie him up to keep him from hurting himself or us from the delirium that comes with the illness," Theodora announced, then vehemently vowed, "I won't let my grandfather go insane like the others." She jumped down and went back to the front. A moment later, the engine started, and the truck began moving.

"He is going to die, there is no medicine for this. He has been cursed by the old gods," the man said but Penelope looked at him in confusion.

"I don't speak Arabic," she responded in English as the little dog jumped back up to the elderly man's side, whining and licking his dark tears.

Abul scowled and climbed onto the side of the truck. Easing forward on the running boards, he climbed into the passenger door. "Little miss? Turn to the left at the next branch in the path."

"It's Lady Carnarvon," Theodora snapped, and her kittens hissed at him in unison.

"Lady Carnarvon, did your grandfather enter one of the tombs?"

"He entered Tutankhamun's tomb with Dr. Carter and was fine, then he went ahead of Dr. Carter to the lost city and... and..." Theodora couldn't finish the horrifying tale.

"Your grandfather is cursed by the old gods. You cannot save him. The curse of the ancient kings is real."

"I don't believe in your old gods! There was a strange dust on everything. It is an illness, not a curse. Illnesses can be cured through modern medicine." Theodora needed to believe it. She didn't want her grandfather to die, and she didn't want to go back to England and boarding school.

The man looked at the window and rubbed his thumb over the carved stone medallion of Bastet he wore. "My child, there are places cursed by the gods buried in the stones and sands of the great desert. The children of the goddess keep the cursed ones trapped there. Whether you believe or not, the curses of the gods are real as are the blessings of the goddesses. The goddess Bastet has blessed you and your friend with sacred protectors. Someday when you grow up, you will understand."

Abul directed them to the fort and refused any reward after petting Theodora's kittens. He gave her his necklace then walked into the city.

Theodora beat on the gate, then honked the klaxon horn and shouted at the guard who stepped out the wicket door in the gate. "I'm Lady Carnarvon and I demand to be let in! Tell Major Thomas to come at once."

First 12 Chapters - How I Became A Crazy Cat Lady To Survive A ZombpocalyseWhere stories live. Discover now