Chapter 13_ Just A Normal Day

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to worry about those twins Miyu, they're not bad but I can't say that they're good either." Kuro said, gently caressing Miyuki.

"But why are they competing against each other? Shouldn't they be....more friendly and concerned about....their situation?" Miyuki said, a bit worried since she can sense the twins having similar souls but with different personality.

"Hmm.... I don't know the reason why they're competing against each other but...they seem to care for each other" Kuro said nonchalantly while also thinking of what to eat later.

"*Surprised*What do you mean? You saw how they compete against each other, right? It's like...."

"*Chuckle* Yes, i know however, we mustn't judge them from the outside but rather on the inside."

"Judge them....from the inside?" Miyuki asks, puzzled by what she meant as Kuro answered her.

"*Nods* Everybody wore a mask in their everyday life. You could say that they wore a mask to cover their true intentions "

"But, how can you know that someone is wearing a mask?" Miyuki asks again but before Kuro could answer Miyuki's question, someone joined in on their conversation.

"You won't know unless you observe their gestures, expressions, tone, and attitude towards a certain thing or topic"

The one who joined in on their conversation was Yin with Kurumi right behind him.

Yin and Kurumi were just taking a stroll on the park since Kurumi suggested it herself which came as a surprise for Yin since he never expected her to suggest such a thing.

Anyway, Kuro jumped in surprise as she turned around to see Yin and Kurumi together.

"You idiots! You scared me for a second there" Kuro irritatedly said.

"Aww~ did little Kuro get frightened? Don't worry, your best friend is here to comfort you~" Kurumi teased which amused her because she hasn't been teasing Kuro for some time now and she thought that this could be the best time.

"Ugh... No please stay away from me– hey! What are you doing, no, stop don't hug me all of a sudden! Yin-nii! Help!" Kuro yelled for help but....

".... Sorry, Kuro but you're on your own" he casually said and walked away from them and went towards Miyuki.

"What! Wait Yin-nii!"

Kuro tried to escape Kurumi's hug but found it difficult to do because of how strong her grip is.

"H-Her grip is too strong! Just how much power did Yin-nii give this woman!" She thought, as she struggled to escape from Kurumi.

"*Giggle* There is no escaping me little Kuro~" Kurumi said behind Kuro's ear as the former shivered from the creepy sensation.

"Damn it, i shouldn't have let my guard down when she's around!" She thought as she slowly stopped resisting her.


Meanwhile, Yin and Miyuki were having a conversation regarding the twin spirits that they encountered.

"So a twin spirit just came here, huh. You're quite lucky to meet them, Miyu" Yin stated, smiling as he pats her on the head.

"Eh? What do you mean, Papa?" She asked.

"Nothing, I'm sure you'll understand when the time is right" Yin replied as he slowly stood up and reached out his hand to help her stand up.

"Mhm....if papa said so then i guess I'll wait for that time" she said and took his hand.

After having their little bonding, Yin took Miyuki home along with Kuro and Kurumi.

But before they could leave, they saw three familiar figures in the distance.

Those three were Shido, Tohka, and Origami with the two girls arguing about something minor.

Everything is fine and there was no problems that occured this day which is a good change since they haven't relaxed freely after the previous events.

"Papa, what are those flying objects above us?" Miyuki asks, noticing the drones flying above their heads.

".... Nuisance" he said as the drones lost power and crashed to a tree.

"That's about three drones down....are they from Ratatoskr?"

"No, it's from DEM....Probably observing Tohka and judging whether she is a spirit or not "

"Isn't that quite  bad for Tohka then? If those guys found her and saw her using her spirit powers the only thing that comes to mind is her capture."

"That is true....come to think of it, wasn't there a captured spirit in one of the facilities of DEM?"

"Yes and I've been trying to track her location but can't seem to find it."

"I see, I'll tell you where she is and rescue her when you're ready."

"Okay, oka– wait, you know where she is being held captive?"

"That, i do. I'll tell you later, right now, we better get home."


They all went home and did their usual routines.

Kuro playing games that would irritate her because of her teammates being dumb and stupid.

Miyuki is reading story books mostly on fiction and psychology genres.

Kurumi is relaxing while eating some baked cookies that Yin prepared for her as she recovers from her loss of reiryoku.

As for Yin, he is currently taking a small nap while enjoying the gentle breeze.

"haah~ if only days like these could last forever" Yin muttered.

"That's quite the red flag you pulled" Kurumi voiced out her opinion as she gave Yun some of his baked cookies.

Yin took it and had a bite before speaking.

"..... Well, either way, trouble will always come our way since we decided to get involved with Shido" he nonchalantly stated, as he poured himself a cup of tea.

"True, i bet that man, Shido, is having a hard time with the other spirits especially Tohka" Kuro suddenly joins in while sneakily taking some cookies from the table.

" I can't say I blame him.... Tenka's mindset is not the same as before after all" Yin said, with an expressionless face.

Kurumi noticed something and it has been bothering her for a few weeks.

"I noticed this whenever we talk about princess and I've always wanted to ask you this..... Why, do you call her Tenka?" She asked, puzzled as to why he always called Tohka, Tenka.

Yin simply smiled and sarcastically answered her question.

"Isn't it quite obvious? That's her name.... The name that i gave her when she was born"

".... What do you mean by that?"

"If you can't understand it then i guess it's not your time to know it yet, after all, everything related to 'her' is also part of my past."

".... I see.... Then I won't pry too much into your past"

"*Nods* thanks"



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