Chapter Sixty-Five

Start from the beginning

Before anyone could respond, the woman stood suddenly and pulled Gabriella into a hug. "I thought I'd never see you again Darling."

Gabriella didn't return the gesture and the woman pulled back, hurt by the unreturned gesture. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Why don't you all sit down?" They followed Jack's instructions and all sat down, he directed his speech to the children specifically Gabriella. "This is Bonnie, we've been in contact with her for a few weeks - a bit after the interview. She's your grandmother."

"NO!" All eyes turned to Lilliana as she gripped Gabriella tightly. The junior held her sister tightly to reassure the girl and she looked up at her desperately. "No, not again. You can't go again."

"Shh it's ok Baby." She cradled the seven-year-old to her before she responded. "I don't mean to be rude but she's right. We've been down this road before and that didn't end well for me last time. How do I know that this time is any different?"

Jack looked at the two girls sympathetically. "I can understand your reservations but we've been talking to Bonnie for the last few weeks and we've been very careful this time, we weren't going to make the same mistake twice. We've checked into everything and she's got your birth certificate." He gave the sixteen-year-old a small smile. "She really is your family."

The woman stood and approached Gabriella, softly running a hand over her cheek. "If only Greg and Maria could see you now, you're beautiful Gabriella. You look so much like your mother when she was young."

"H-how did this happen?"

"I saw your interview with Andrew Harvey -"

"No, that's not possible. That interview was only in Albuquerque, this is exactly what happened last time."

"Gabriella." The girl's attention turned back to her grandmother. "I live in Albuquerque. After John passed away a few years ago, I had no reason to stay in California. It was hard enough staying in our house without Gregory and I couldn't bear to stay without my husband. So I sold and moved up here two years ago." She looked at the girl sympathetically. "I can't imagine how difficult this is for you Gabriella. It's been close to fifteen years since we lost you and I couldn't believe that interview when I saw it. We spent years searching for you but naturally after a few, we had to - we had to believe that -" Bonnie shook her head. "I think you know where I'm getting at. I know this is going to take time but I'm willing to put in everything that's needed. I just want a relationship with my granddaughter."

Gabriella nodded slowly, asking quietly. "Can you tell me about my parents?"

The question brought a smile to Bonnie's face. "Of course. Your dad was an amazing man - and I don't just say that because he was my son. He was a selfless and devoted man - a firefighter - and he loved you and your mother very much. And Maria, she was a sweetheart - my favourite girl that your father ever brought home. She was a lovely woman and she was a great mother. Your parents loved you very much Gabriella."

"Did you know David and Vivien?"

Bonnie exhaled sharply. "I did. David and Greg had been friends for a long time and I know that Maria and Vivien were quite close. We'd lost contact with them a bit before you were taken and none of us would've ever imagined that they were the reason you were gone."

"Umm do I have any other family?"

"Well Maria's parents are still alive and doing well - I speak to Gina regularly. Greg was my only but Maria's brother has three children I believe."

Gabriella nodded, pulling her lip between her teeth as she glanced at Troy. The boy took her hand, entwining their fingers before he looked at Bonnie. "So what happens now."

The woman looked at him confused. "I feel that's something Gabriella and I can discuss in private. I don't feel we need to be involving unnecessary people."

Troy narrowed his eyes and Jack spoke up. "I think it's a conversation we can have here. Gabriella and yourself aren't the only ones involved or affected by this."

"I understand that but we're family and Gabriella is practically an adult."

It was Lucille who spoke up this time. "Be that as it may, Jack and I are her guardians and we need to be part of this conversation. Heck, we would've adopted Gabriella if it weren't for their relationship and I'm sure that Gabriella would like Troy, Jacob and Lilliana involved - Troy at the very least."


Gabriella nodded. "Yes, Troy's my boyfriend."

Bonnie nodded slowly before turning her attention back to Lucille. "And you're sure you want your young children a part of this conversation?"

"They deserve to know what's going on. They're getting older and they should be included in these conversations." The woman looked at her twins. "After all, Gabriella's their sister, they should know what's happening." All four of the children smiled brightly at Lucille's statement. "But you're right, Gabriella is practically an adult and at the end of it, she gets to make her own decisions so I think it's up to her."

Gabriella smiled gratefully at the woman but everyone in the room could see the nerves etched into her expression. Troy squeezed her hand gently. "There's no wrong decision here, whatever you decide, I'll support you, we all will."

The girl smiled at her boyfriend, mouthing 'thank you' before turning her attention back to her grandmother. "I'm glad that I met you and I do want to get to know you but I'm not ready to make any permanent decisions. This isn't anything against you but I trusted too quickly last time and I got burned, I don't have it in me to go through anything like that again."

"But you won't, I'm your grandmother and I'd never hurt you."

"I know but this is a lot to take in and I need time. I need to get to know you before I can trust you, I'm sorry."

Bonnie sighed. "No it's - it's fine, you don't have to apologise. You've been through a lot and you don't know me, I'll be happy to be in your life in whatever way you'll let me."

"Thank you for understanding."

"So when can I see you again?" The woman could see that the question through the girl off guard so she smiled softly. "How about I give Jack and Lucille a call later in the week and we can discuss the details?" The girl nodded. "Alright, I'll be going now. Gabriella, it was wonderful seeing you again Darling and I'm so glad I found you. I'll give you a call later in the week. Have a nice evening everyone."

The family said their goodbyes to Bonnie and the parents excused themselves to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. The juniors and the twins stayed on the lounge with Lilliana still firmly attached to Gabriella. The junior smiled sadly and rubbed the little girl's back, placing a kiss on her forehead. "It's ok Sweet Girl, nothing's happening."

"You're not going anywhere?"

"No, not anytime soon at least." Lilliana nodded and cuddled back into her sister. The sixteen-year-old looked up at her boyfriend with a cautious expression. "Looks like we can't catch a break."

Troy smiled, pulling his girlfriend to lean into him. "Doesn't seem like it huh Baby?" Running his fingers along her arm, he continued. "At least Mom seems to have come around."

"Yeah she seemed pretty supportive, I mean she even said that I was Jakie and Liv's sister."

"You really are part of the family." He placed a kiss on her forehead. "It'll all work out Brie, you'll see. We'll make sure it does." Gabriella simply hummed her response, staying in his arms.

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