•●Time travel●•

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Ever wondered what it would be like to time travel? That if you did something diffrent, what would happen?

It would be the most wonderful gift but most destructive one. You could move a single chair, the little boy would not fall, knowing over the little girls books, meaning he would not help her. They do not become friends and as the grow older they never meet agian and now you dont exist. Imagine that.

Or what if it was tou who shift the chair? Causing a flurry of falling books that would start a friendship over a common intrest. A friendship blooming into a crush, or a relation ship? Growing old and having little bundles of joy called kids. All becuase you placed a single chair?

It would be wonderful to fix those mistakes tou made in third grade but... would you know the consequences of these actions? I'd you knes that if you did the right thing, something bad would happen after? Would you still fix it or would you still make that mistake becuase that was better in the long run than doing the right thing?

Watch each and every move you make but dont over think them, dont think on them so hard you never do them.

Every action has a consequence some day, but you can never know what is to come. You can  merely take the leap and work with what you got to make the best discount you can.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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