Chapter 1

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(A/N) This is my first fanfic in a while, so I apologize for poor writing, if that ends up being the case.

 The day seemed to begin just as any other. Y/N was at home, taking their time to get ready, as they usually did. Combing their hair, washing their face, and getting a bite to eat, before preparing to leave the house for the day. It was Saturday, but unfortunately for Y/N, who'd much rather be spending their day drawing- or something, they had to pay a visit to town. See, not too long ago, Y/N had been out, walking around, shopping, when some guys had run into them. The group seemed to be in quite the hurry, but in the process of escaping whomever was after them, the group had successfully managed to snap Y/N's cane in half. It weren't as if the world was ending, but the whole ordeal did end up being quite the inconvenience for the visually impaired illustrator. It wasn't that Y/N was blind, not in the full sense, but they had a difficult time judging distance between objects, a problem with their depth perception, so a cane was much needed when it came to wandering around the city. There were always many people, and objects scattered about, not to mention the sidewalks that could be uneven, and miniature staircases for inclines or declines.  

So now, Y/N had to get a new cane. The only good part about all of this, was that the manufacturer was a really kind man. He knew exactly what to make, and made Y/N's canes perfectly every single time- granted, it weren't as if Y/N broke their walking aids very much. They ordered one or two every year, but Y/N always appreciated the high quality craftsmanship. 

After finally talking themself into putting shoes on, Y/N grabbed their coat, locked the door to their home after stepping outside, and set out on their way. It was fall, and it really was beginning to feel like the colorful season. Even in Piltover, the city that seemed to be ever evolving, the greenery was turning all shades of red and orange. Even with their impaired vision, Y/N couldn't help but to admire the atmosphere. It was such a beautiful time of year, even if it wasn't Y/N's favorite season. Though, it seemed like they could never make up their mind on which one they liked the most. There were just so many good and bad things about all four of the seasons. Y/N definitely wasn't a huge fan of the warmer seasons,  but they liked the rain that came along with them. The cooler seasons were nice too, but brought their own slue of problems onto the mental health. Though, that was really besides the point. Y/N just enjoyed drawing scenery with the different color palettes of every season, regardless of the climate effect.

Lost in thought, Y/N found themself in front of their destination in no time, almost shocked that they hadn't fallen on their way to the small shop. Happily, Y/N let themself inside, replying in soft greeting to the manufacturer.

"Ah! Y/N! You're just in time, friend. I'm just now finalizing the details of your cane. I'll have it out in...15 minutes? That work for you?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll just wait in here." Y/N replied, going to take a seat in one of the chairs that were lined against two of the walls. Y/N sat down, glancing down at their lap as they fiddled with their hands. What else was there to do, really? That's how Y/N saw it anyway. Part of them  wished that they had brought their sketchbook, or at least a notepad, but it wasn't as if they could now. So, they sat for a moment, unaware of the presence across the room from them- for the time being at least, and simply enjoyed the muffled sounds of the bustling streets outside. It really had been a miracle that they had managed to make it to the shop without any issues. It couldn't have been much later than 11 AM, yet, so many people were out and about, happily enjoying the sun, and chilly weather.

Y/N smiled to themself as they watched the people go by, despite many of them appearing out of focus to their impaired eyes. The silence of the moment was broken, however,  by someone clearing their throat. Y/N's gaze was drawn away from the glass, only to meet with man. He was thin, and pale, with brown hair, and amber eyes. He had a charm about him- a sort of elegance, but his face wasn't familiar to Y/N, so all they could do was tilt their head.

"It is not often I see others close to my age here." The man spoke with an accent, a hint of curiosity in his voice as he addressed Y/N, "I don't believe I have seen you, specifically, here before, either."

"I could say the same," Y/N replied, offering the stranger a friendly smile, despite their lack of motivation to socialize. It only seemed polite to engage the other in conversation, "I've been a customer for a while. A good fifteen years, I would say- what about you?" They asked, trying to recall if they'd met this person before. It seemed like he was familiar with the place, so Y/N found it odd that they had never seen him before. Though, it weren't as if Y/N needed a cane too often.

"I believe five or six years. It is a surprise to me that I haven't seen you before." He trailed off for a moment, seemingly taking in Y/N's face, "My name is Viktor."

Y/N got the sense that this...Viktor, wasn't much for small talk. His statements seemed to be concise, and short lived. Though, it weren't as if they were much better, "I'm Y/N" they replied, trying to keep their eyes focused on the other. Though, with all the noise, and light from outside, that task was proving to be quite difficult. 

"Y/N?" Another man's voice sounded from their left, causing Y/N to look in the direction of the service desk, a sigh of relief as the man offered Y/N their new cane. "You were just here a month ago. How did it break so quickly?" He asked, a teasing hint in his voice as Y/N retrieved the money to pay from their pocket, 

"Some assholes." Y/N sighed, placing the money on the counter with a shake of their head, "They rushed into me, and ran off in a hurry. Doing something they weren't supposed to, if I had to guess." Y/N shrugged, placing the cane's end on the ground, to get a feel of the sturdiness.

"You think it was those criminals from the undercity? I heard they blew up an apartment not too far from here. Some Academia student's, or something." he took the money placing it in the register as he spoke,

"I don't know." Y/N shrugged, taking a couple steps around with the new mobility aid, "I don't really care, though. I didn't see their faces, so I wouldn't be much help, even if it was them," Y/N gazed at the man behind them, then back to the shop owner, before giving a quick wave, "Well- this seems good to me, Your work is always flawless. I would really like to catch up a little.." Y/N paused, "But I have commissions that, unfortunately, will not be drawing themselves."  They sighed, before making their way towards the door. "Oh, and, nice meeting you, Viktor. See you both around." Y/N chimed, before exiting the shop with a smile. Now, it was just time to go home, and get to work.

"It's not often you introduce yourself to someone, Viktor. What was that about?" The shop keeper smiled, gazing at the other man, as he brought Viktor's cane over to him. Viktor just shrugged, running a hand through his hair, before taking the new cane, and standing up,

"Nothing really. Just curiosity. As I told- ah...Y/N? I have not met too many people my age that use a cane." He gazed down at the new cane, admiring the woodwork, and the painted finish, "I will have to take my leave now as well. Heimerdinger is waiting for me today." Viktor spoke, slightly limping as he made his way towards the exit, "Thank you once again. I will be seeing you."

Wahoo first chapter. This is gonna be a fun one to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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