He wasn't able to catch her hand and stop the slap that came his way.

"Oh, pull yourself together for fuck's sake!" she snarled. "My brother and my pack are out there right now and there is no telling how many will die tonight at his hand! How many will die when that curse begins again! Nobody asked for this, and no matter what was done, none of them deserve this! We wolves are people, too, not beasts. There are families there with children who could be caught in the crossfire. If we have any chance at all at stopping Dahlia so we can get to work on undoing that, we need to get on with this! And we need to be working together! So mind your fucking tongue and don't you ever refer to wolves as beasts again! It astonishes me that you're in love with a hybrid and still can't respect who she is, and what people she comes from. Stop freaking out and get your head in the game so we can finish this!"

Elijah was quiet. "Good," she said, chest rising and falling heavily as she realized, in hindsight, that slapping him had been just as risky as the attempt she made on Klaus. Elijah was too preoccupied with his honorable front to retaliate, but it didn't make him any less of a monster than his brother. "Then let's find Rebekah and Marcel and see what we do after that."

She had to repeat her story when they found them (with Rebekah unfortunately back in her Original body). The memo got across much faster this time. As they spoke, Freya called Rebekah, informing them that the plan was in motion. Klaus and Dahlia were incapacitated, and Hope was safely with her.

Elijah went to fetch them while Ibeth got to cleaning the Compound and Rebekah went to retrieve Esther's coffin. When Freya and Hope returned, they met again.

"Nik is demented," said Rebekah. "Are we really to swap our mother's ashes with Kol's and trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol... if Davina doesn't turn us inside out."

"Surely there is another way," implored Ibeth. "Something that doesn't involve lying to Davina. She's been nothing but kind to us and we do not want to make an enemy of her just as she's ascended into a position as Regent."

"I say we choose a more permanent option," Freya suggested. "Find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him."

Marcel scoffed. "Well, yeah, and so do I, and every other vampire that Klaus has turned!"

"We'd lose the entire city's vampire population," said Ibeth. "Not ideal considering we've finally achieved peace between the factions. We have to avoid problems, both with the vampires and witches. Marcel and Josh are friends, and the other vampires have been kind. Davina will hate us if they die and I could never forgive myself if I let it happen. Not to mention that leaves Hope without a father and does severely place my people at risk. Not only will it mean we might lose our blessing, but it may make it harder to undo the Crescent Curse... right? Which means Hope would practically be an orphan."

"The dagger!" shrieked Rebekah suddenly. "It's bloody melting!"

She was right. The hilt was getting smaller by the second. Elijah sighed. "We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set. We must carry out the assignment of a lunatic."

Rebekah growled as Freya knelt down, using her magic to try and delay the dagger's melting. "What's that saying? 'A madman often speaks the truth?' I can't help but think we should be using this opportunity to raise Kol and not the daft bitch that is our mother."

"You speak as if it's a foregone conclusion," said Elijah. "Let us not forget, we still have to deceive Davina Claire. So perhaps we steal a page from Niklaus's playbook? She might yet help us if she has no idea that she is helping us."

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