In The Clouds Part 13 ☁

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Minho's eyes widened now. If there was sleepiness in him, it all disappeared now. Stunned, Minho didn't answer immediately, because he was in total shock. So Jisung said, "I-I'm sorry it was a weird question forget I-" "Y-Yes. Yes, you can kiss me. I want to kiss you." It was Jisung's turn to be stunned. "Y-You want to kiss me?" Minho nodded. Both of their hearts synced up, racing now. Minho put his hands on Jisung's cheeks. Jisung kept his arms wrapped around Minho's waist.

The two couldn't see very well, but they were able to make out the outline of the other's lips, both staring at each other's lips. Suddenly, lightning lit up the room for a second, and both could see each other clearly now, both staring at each other's faces. Minho closed the space between their lips and pressed his lips against Jisung's. It started off as a light kiss, a gentle one, their lips fluttering against each other's. Then, Minho wanted a little more.

"Just a little more. I've been dying to taste him..."

Minho kissed Jisung a little more this time, it started lasting longer, then he began kissing Jisung even deeper. Jisung kept up with his tempo and began kissing him back deeply, the tension between them obviously showing now. They were in a perfect sync, in a perfect dance with their lips. Minho bit Jisung's lip a little before kissing him a little deeper. Jisung blushed at this and tightened the grip he had on Minho's waist, causing the elder to smirk in between kisses.

Minho lowered his hands to the boy's chest, gripping his shirt, causing Jisung to blush hard and gasp a little, letting entry for Minho's tongue into his mouth. Jisung quietly moaned at this, and shocked himself a little, but didn't pull back, turning Minho on a little. 

He let his tongue enter Jisung's mouth and swirled it around Jisung's mouth, and his tongue too. Jisung was starting to get really into it, pulling on Minho's shirt, causing Minho to close any space that was left between them now. Minho slid his leg between Jisung's. Jisung started gaining confidence and slipped his tongue into Minho's mouth too which made him blush. There was no time for thinking right now, they were both extremely focused on one another.

They began swirling their tongues around each other's, and Jisung began feeling into Minho's mouth with his tongue. Minho blushed harder as Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck now, and Minho lowered his hands onto Jisung's waist, gripping him. Minho knew he couldn't take it anymore. Anymore of this and Minho wouldn't be able to contain himself, and he didn't want to take things further until Jisung was comfortable enough, if ever. 

Minho started kissing him less deeply, which caused the younger to do the same. Soon, they were just holding each other in their embraces. Jisung looked up at Minho, who was staring back at him. Jisung was blushing madly and thinking to himself,

"I think I do have feelings for him...."

It was morning now, it continued raining and thundering at night, so Jisung was wrapped up in Minho. His face was buried in Minho's chest, Minho with his arms around the boy, and Jisung with his arms around Minho's waist. It was the best sleep both of them had had in a while, even despite the thunderous noise. Minho was the first to wake up. He woke up with a smile, after seeing the boy still there when he woke up. He kissed the boy's head and closed his eyes again, as it was still very early, trying to go back to sleep. Shortly after, Jisung woke up too. He was a little disoriented upon waking up. The first thing he saw was his hyung's chest after waking up. He then suddenly remembered what happened at night and began blushing hard, wanting to just run out of the room.

"Where did I get the confidence to do that?!" Jisung asked himself and he slowly pulled his arms away from Minho's waist and distancing himself from Minho's chest. This caused Minho to open his eyes again. "Morning, Sungie." Jisung blushed up to his ears upon hearing Minho's hot sleepy voice. "M-Morning." Jisung started getting out of bed, so Minho let go of Jisung. "I-I'm gonna go to my room now. The thunder stopped." Minho nodded, confused as to why the boy was acting to shy now, yet again. "Right... Hey before you go, do you have plans later today?" "Y-Yes I do," Jisung lied. "Oh. Okay then." Minho turned on his side, his back facing Jisung now as Jisung stepped out of Minho's room. 

Jisung was unable to go back to bed, so he texted Hyunjin to make plans to hang out today. Figuring Hyunjin wouldn't be awake yet, Jisung started messing around on his phone, checking the day the college party was going to be at. "Hmm so the 29th... lands on a Saturday. Then that's perfect." Jisung started to get the feeling that there was something he forgot about, an important day this month.

"What is it? What am I forgetting? There's something important about this month..." Jisung shrugged, "Well if it's important then I'll remember."

After an hour of messing on his phone Hyunjin texted back. They arranged to meet up at 12 for lunch. Jisung started heading downstairs as he was getting hungry, to which he already found his mom making breakfast. "Morning mom!" Mrs. Lee jumped. "Jeez, Jisung! You scared me! Why did you come down so quietly?" "U-Uh..." Truth is, Jisung was trying to be extremely quiet so that Minho wouldn't hear him coming down the stairs. 

"I.... 'm losing weight?" Mrs. Lee looked at Jisung in a confused expression. "Lose weight? Why would you need to lose weight?" Jisung shrugged. "I think I'm getting fat." Mrs. Lee scoffed. "Please. You? If anything, you need to eat more!" Jisung sat at the table and Mrs. Lee put a plate of French toast and eggs in front of Jisung. Mrs. Lee took her seat next to Jisung and asked, "So, what did you get your brother for his birthday?"

Jisung choked on his food upon hearing the question and Mrs. Lee quickly went to get him some apple juice to wash it down. "Jesus Christ Jisung what is with you this morning?" Jisung banged his head on the table. "I'm going through changes mom!!!! It's only normal!" Jisung said unconvincingly. His mom rolled her eyes.

"So, I'm guessing you forgot it was his birthday this Monday?" Jisung nodded with his head still on the table. "Well, you better think of something quick." "What does he like?" "He's your brother! Shouldn't you know him a little more?" Jisung thought to himself. "He doesn't seem to want anything these days though."

Mrs. Lee asked, "Well your birthday just passed, what did he get you?" "Um... he took me out to eat to an expensive restaurant that I hadn't been to. He also cooked for me that day too." "Well, you don't have a lot of money for an expensive restaurant and your cooking isn't that good." "Gee, thanks mom." "Well I don't want you to kill him with your cooking either. What about getting Felix to help you bake something for him? He's good at baking, isn't he?"

Jisung's head shot up, "Mom that's a great idea! Felix's baking is the best!" "There you go, then you need to work on it as soon as you can, his birthday is two days away. If you can, try thinking of another gift you can give him too." "I'll ask the guys if they have any ideas." Jisung texted Hyunjin about his plan and invited along everyone else to help too.

~ Truth be told it was actually ME who forgot Minho's birthday when I wrote this LOL, but I figured I should leave it since it seems like something Jisung might do since he can be forgetful sometimes. I think he remembers Minho's birthday well now but I think back when he was younger, he may not have remembered it. 

Also I'm struggling to find a direction with this story. I have an idea of how I want to end it but I'm wondering if I want to make this longer or not. I have a lot of plot in my brain but I wonder if it might get too boring if there's too long of a story. I think I'll still go that route. It won't be too too long but the direction is going somewhere else than I had originally anticipated since I added a new part to the story and I'm just going with it as a write. ~ 

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