Doritos and Gummy Bears

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Tuesday came quicker than I had anticipated, much to Kiera's delight, she was buzzing all morning and I knew her and Rose would be excited all day.

As usual, I walked her to the bus stop and said goodbye, leaving to head to the cafe. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I remembered I hadn't spoken to Aria for the past few days.

Aria Babes

I swear I just saw someone
And she looked EXACTLY like

OH yeah about that
I actually met her the other day
I've got her number

I casually drop that on Aria and turned my phone off, waiting for it to blow up with messages from her.

Sure enough, within a few seconds my phone is going mad with notifications from Aria, screaming for more information. I turn my phone back on and see a variety of spammed messages ranging from a lot of letters to some lovely death threats.

You're kidding me right
You have to be joking

Um. Kieras friends with her daughter Rose and
We met at the parent teacher conferences

Damn Kiera really is cooler than you
I mean friends with a celebrity's daughter
Thats fricken cool

Shes a lucky kid
Anyway you almost here?

I asked as I stopped infront of the small cafe. Aria texted back saying she was already in there and had bought me my order.

With that I walked in quickly finding her sat in a booth.

"So whats scarjo like" Aria jumps straight into questioning. This girl.

"Hello to you too, I'm great thanks for asking" I replied sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah, anyway what's she like?" I roll my eyes at Aria before answering.

"She's really sweet, she's a great mother and she gives the best hugs".

I can't help smiling as I mention the last bit, and Aria's face morphs into one of shock and envy.

"Oh your so luckyyy", she whines. "The money I would pay for a Scarlett hug".

I smirk at her, silently grateful that I met Scarlett. As Aria processes the information I told her, I started eating my muffin, inspecting the cafe.

It was quiet this morning, there were a few people scattered around the tables.

There were a couple students with their laptops out and headphones in studying, a few people drinking coffee and reading the newspaper before work, and the odd couple out for a quick early-morning breakfast.

I focus my attention back on Aria, who wasn't finished asking questions.

"I can't believe you met Scarlett Johansson Y/n, and you didn't even get me an autograph"
"I could get you one today?", I offer and she stares at me wide-eyed.

"Shout a bit louder, there's people in Mexico who didn't hear you" I tell her sarcastically, leaning over the table.

"But how-why?" Aria asked, a few decibels quieter this time.

"Like I said, Kiera and Rose are friends, we're going to the park after school today."

"That's so cool, you're living the dream life"

We finish our breakfast and walk to school, parting ways once we get to the gate.

School was long and boring as usual however the thought of this afternoon kept me going.

There was a buzz around school today about Scarlett being in our city. I spent the entire day trying to stop myself from telling people I knew her.

When I saw Aria at break she couldn't keep a straight face. I swear she almost told someone but I kicked her before she could.

By the time the final bell went, I could hardly sit still, and was ready to run out the gates before Aria caught up with me, and I could tell she was bursting to tell me something.

"So Y/n, I was thinking maybe I should walk with you after school to pick up Keira? There are creeps out there ya know? Four fists are better than two"

"Ariaaa, I don't think Scarlett would be too impressed by me bringing a fan club to meet her"

"Hey! I am one person" she defends crossing her arms. I just look at her with an eyebrow raised. She huffs and raises her hands in defeat. "Fine, but at least get her to sign something for me", she whines.

I nod my head slowly, picking up my bag from the ground. "That, I can do for you". I walk away quickly, waving to her as I do so.

Theres still 20 minutes until Kiera's bus is due, so I stop by the grocery store and grab two packs of gummy bears, one for each of the girls. I don't know what Scarlett will want so I just get two bags of doritos as well.

Taking my time I walk over to the check out paying for the snacks.

I arrive at the bus stop with 10 minutes to spare. Parents slowly started arriving, all getting ready to collect their kids, but none of them was the one person I was waiting for.

Finally I saw her. Her piercing green eyes met mine and she smiled widely at me.

"Y/n!", She came up to me with her arms outstretched and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and when we pulled apart, I was amused by the shocked faces of the people who knew who Scarlett was.

We started talking, ignoring everyones rude staring.

The familiar red bus pulled up as usual and Rose and Kiera were the first ones off, still chattering away to each other.

Rose greeted her mum, and Kiera came bounding up to me. I gave her a hug and handed her the two bags of gummy bears.

"One's for Rose", I tell her, and Kiera tosses a bag to her friend who looks at me and says thank you.

"You didn't have to buy my Rose things", Scarlett says, and I knew she was thinking about our current financial situation.

"It's fine, I was getting one for Keira anyway".

"Well then, let's all go out for afternoon tea and I'll buy you all a lunch".

I tried to decline Scarletts offer but she hushed me and that was the end of that conversation.

We walked to the park together. Kiera and Rose led the way, skipping, jumping and giggling the entire time.

When we arrived there Scarlett and I were immediately dragged into a very competitive game of tag, which went on for about an hour, till we were all too out of breath to continue.

"I call for a food and water break", I puff
"Seconded", Scarlett nods.

The girls keep playing while Scarlett and I regain our breath. Once we do, we sit in silence for a few minutes, listening to the delighted screams coming from the playground.

"How are you?" Scarlett finally asks, turning to look at me. I sense she's still curious about me and Kieras situation so I decide to let her ask questions.

"I'm good"
"How's your mum?", she asks cautiously.
"She's..." I slowly fade out, unsure how to answer.

Scarlett puts her arm around me and I lean into her shoulder.

"She's trying" I finish.

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