
939 14 10

August 2006

"Gib mir das!" Give me that. Karla said and snatched the wine bottle from her best friends grip as they cycled down the stone road. Ella laughed at her sudden action and shook her head placing both hands on the steering wheel. "Was?" What. She said and took a swig at the old bottle of red wine they had stole from her fathers wine cellar.

"Gar nichts." Nothing. Ella said still laughing. "Sie scheinen scharf auf den Alkohol heute Abend zu sein." You seem to be keen on the alcohol tonight. She then said. Karla raised her brows taking one more sip before putting the bottle in the basket hanging at the front of her bike.

"Ich werde heute Nacht mit der Scheiße konfrontiert, keine Sorge." I am getting shit faced tonight, don't worry. She jokingly said wiggeling her eyebrows making Ella laugh even more, Karla joining her. "Ich will mich morgen an nichts erinnern, hoffentlich friedlich am Straßenrand schlafen." I don't want to remember anything tomorrow, hopefully sleeping peacefully at the side of the road. She added making Ella shake her head again.

"Sie haben meine volle Unterstützung."You have my full support. She said making Karla wink at her.

"Letzte Sommernacht."Last night of summer.

The two girls had known eachother since running around the garden in their dipers. They were inseprabale. And now they were beeing seperated, something none of them had been looking forward too. Karla was moving to a city and Ella was moving to another city on the other side of the country. They had spent everyday of summer together and was dreading for this day to come. The thought made Karla pick up the bottle again and take a large sip from the cold bottle.

They passed others on the road smiling and greeting them. The warm breeze waved thru her hair, softly kissing her warm cheeks. The skirt of her dress flew behind her, slightly tugging up her tanned warm thighs. As they reached their destination they hopped of their bikes and leant them against the wall. They hooked their arms together and made their way inside the busy bar. They greeted some of the people inside before finding their table in the corner, accompanied with two pints of beer.

"Beifall."Cheers. They said in unison and clicked their glasses together.

"Kann nicht glauben, dass du mich verlässt."Can't believe you are leaving me.

"Hey! Du verlässt mich auch!" Hey! you are leaving me too! Karla yelled and took a big swig from the pint. They both laughed and shook their head at themselves. "Was machen wir ohne einander?"What are we gonna do without each other? She then said pouting her lips.

"Uns wird es gut gehen, Karla."We are gonna be fine Karla. Ella said, taking a sip of her own beer.

"Wenn du dich mit jemand anderem als mir besser anfreundest, werde ich dich erwürgen."If you become better friends with someone other then me I will strangle you. Karla said making Ella laugh.

"Das ist nicht möglich."That's not possible. Ella said pointing a finger at her. "Es würde nicht passieren, selbst wenn ich es versuchen würde."It wouldn't happen even if I tried. She then said.

"Das ist, weil du es nicht versuchen wirst-"That's because You won't try-

"Hallo girls!" Someone cut Karla off making her frown. She looked up to the side of their table and her eyes landed on a familiar group of boys. 

"Max!" Ella said standing up from her seat and walking over to hug the boy. Karla rolled her eyes and took another sip.

"Interessieren Sie sich, wenn wir uns Ihnen anschließen?" Care if we joins you? His voice then said making Karla look at them again.

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