35. They Would Celebrate

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The banquet music played and there was a feast the size of kings landing itself. Margaery listened to the music intently, as Caro poured herself another drink and another. Licking the residue from her lips as she piled her plate with everything sugary.

"Did you see the roast?" Tywin offered as Caro licked the frosting from her lips. 'roasted vegetables and fine meats." He offered.

"I don't like veggies." Caro told him picking up her glass.

"No?" Tywin's mind flickered to harrenhall. His cup bearer talking about her aunt, saying she thought she was allergic to vegetables.

"Never liked the taste." Caro said simply. Tywin stared at her, could that have been Arya Stark? It would explain how close they were so quickly. Did it even matter? She was here with him still.

'Very good very good off you go,' Joffrey said entirely bored with the presentation he threw coins at the musicians.

'Your grace.' Oberyn said politely as he approached Tywin, Caro and Cersei.

'Prince Oberyn...' Tywin replied with an edge to his voice. Caro noticed the tension and stepped forward.

"So nice to meet you Prince Oberyn, I have heard such wonderful things about you." Caro informed him and Oberyn kissed her hand.

"Really?" Oberyn chuckled. "You know I was hoping to meet you."

"Really?" she countered. "Why is that?"

"You seem an interesting woman," Oberyn told her. "We could get to know each other better."

"Oh that sounds lovely... who is your beautiful friend?" Caro offered and Oberyn smiled leaning back to Ellaria.

"yes, I don't believe you have met Ellaria this is Lord hand Tywin Lannister, Lady Carolina Stark, no Cassel, no Lannister... goodness how do you keep track?" Oberyn mused.

"I'm still partial to Stark." Caro informed him.

"The beautiful and skilled Lady Carolina Stark.'' Oberyn adjusted and Tywin's face pinched. "and Cersei Lannister the queen regent I suppose it is former queen regent now,' Oberyn said as charming as ever. 'lord hand, Lady Carolina and lady Cersei, this is Ellaria sand.'

'My Lord my ladies,' ellaria said with a small curtsy

'Charmed .' Tywin said his eyes focused on Caro though.

'I can't say I've ever met a sand before,' Cersei remarked

'We are everywhere in Dorne I have 10,000 brothers and sisters,' Ellaria told her

'Bastards are born of passion every day, we don't despise them in Dorne.' Oberyn informed them.

"I like that." Caro told him. "If I ever see my nephew Jon I will have to tell him," Caro chuckled. "Or maybe not because I don't want to picture my brother in a moment of passion." Oberyn chuckled stepping towards Caro. Tywin didn't like that his grip on her waist tightened.

'How tolerant of you,' Cersei said Stiffly.

'I expect it is a relief lady Cersei giving up your legal responsibilities wearing the crown for so many years must've left your neck a bit crooked,' Oberyn remarked and Caro had to bring a hand to her lips to cover her laugh.

'Prince Oberyn,' Tywin said looking to his daughters pinched face. 'it's a shame your brother couldn't attend the wedding. Please give him my regards with any luck the gout will abate with time and he'll be able to walk again.' Tywin suggested

'It is a rich man's disease it a wonder you don't have it,' Oberyn told Tywin smugly.

'Noble men in my position don't enjoy the same life styles as our counterparts.' Tywin told him.

Carolina // Tywin Lannister (2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin