Chapter 26: Blue Fear

Start from the beginning

Mother: I don't need your greeting, demoness.

Delane was about to retort, but I calmed her down with my eyes. However, I could see the flames in her eyes, staring at Mother with a cold fury that made her even back away slightly.

Delane coldly: Are you ready, Tsu'tey?

Me: Yes. Let's go.

With that, I climbed onto my Pa'li

Mother: Be careful, my son. This woman carries an aura of death. She could bring you bad luck.

Delane: I am still here, you know.

Me: I will be, Mother.

Even though my heart did not seem to agree.

The trip passed in a chilling silence, Delane not even exchanging a glance or a word with me. Was it the meeting with Mother or was she focused on passing her test? I imagined that I wouldn't have the answer until the end of the day.

Finally, we arrived at the beginning of our journey, the floating rocks connected to guide us upwards, to reach the Ikrans' lair.

So I went down, inspecting the three hunters of which Delane was one. His cold eyes fascinated me as much as he gave me the cold shoulder. It was part of his charm, in a way.

Me: You have grown and learned, to become members of the People. Here, at this moment, is the beginning of your journey. Do not be afraid. You have the courage in your heart and the knowledge to become one. Make me proud.

Everyone smiled, even Delane. I returned the smile for a moment before concentrating on the climb.

I thought about Mother's words and what I observed of Delane encouraging those who were struggling. Even helping them when they were in trouble. Would a demoness care that much about others? What I saw there was a Na'vie, helping her brothers and sisters through their trials, not a tawtute.

As we reached the waterfall where we could see the howling of the Ikrans nearby. The youths looked to the horizon where Ikrans were flying, impatience in their eyes. So was fear.

As for Delane, she was watching this with a smile, seeming to enjoy the show.

Me: Delane, you go first.

She jumped and bowed her head, before handing me her bow. The woman crossed the wall slowly and safely, to avoid slipping. Gradually she reached the end, widening her eyes at the sight of Ikrans of various colors. Ikrans were everywhere, taking up every space on the hill. Surprised at first, she soon regained her composure and walked calmly forward, looking at each one with concentration, attentive. For the moment, there was no sign of her Ikran, worrying me for the future. Suddenly, she rolled to the side, avoiding the attack of a red air brother with sky blue patterns. The latter landed on the ground, hissing with annoyance as Delane faced him, pulling out his nothing to see. This marked the beginning of the confrontation. The two turned, facing each other. A chilling silence remained, where each one observed the other, as if waiting for a mistake from the other.

Suddenly, the young woman advanced towards him, in a step that seemed imprudent at first sight. Her opponent noticed this and tried to attack with her mouth full of sharp teeth. At the last moment, she shifted to the right, making the nothing to be seen wrap around her jaw, blocking it. Immediately, she got on top of it, making it react. It flapped its wings, moving everywhere to try to throw her off. But nothing made it. The young woman had a solid hold, waiting for an opportune moment.

The latter finally calmed down, seeing that it was useless. An opportunity that the woman seized, connecting the two kuru, establishing the definitive link. I couldn't help but be impressed by the calmness of the woman and her success in the test, encouraging the two young people accompanying us.

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