Chapter 26: Blue Fear

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Above is an image of Delane during his Iknimaya.

Tsu'tey's point of view

Delane's apprenticeship was coming to an end. I had taught her everything I knew and now she had to hunt her first prey. So, with bow in hand, she began to track. Sniffing, scanning every trace, while being attentive to the slightest noise. Agile and balanced, the young woman was able to be discreet, following the trail of the herd of yerik with discretion. Watching her, I couldn't help but have a vision of a predator hunting a prey, like a shadow of death. Her footsteps were so discreet that even I could hardly perceive her.

After spending a good day stalking, she finally found the latter, located below. The latter were grazing, not realizing the danger that was staring them in the face.

The dream walker stared at each yerik with keen eyes, while discreetly slipping the arrow onto the bowstring. If I didn't see her do it, I wouldn't have known she had cocked her bow. Then, once she had chosen her target, she moved into shooting position, before drawing the string. Eyes fixed on the target, she seemed to wait for the right moment, before finally releasing the weapon.

The arrow hit a vital point of the animal, killing it instantly. Only our presence going towards the sacrificed brother alerted the herd, which immediately left.

So, as I listened to his prayer to appease the spirit of the dead brother, I couldn't help but think of his performance.

Delane: I see you, brother and thank you. Your spirit joins Eywa. Your body stays here. To be part of the People.

The way he stalked and killed, looking like a predator who had killed a prey, and his cold gave me chills. For I could see death through it, which disturbed me. I had gotten to know Delane, but that look kept disturbing me. She carefully withdrew the arrow and put it back in the bow. I stood there for a moment, thinking, before I gave my verdict

Me: You have killed perfectly. You are ready to become a hunter.

She gave me a proud smile, before carefully taking her prey, returning to the Kelutral with a proud and happy look, amusing me. However, I couldn't help admiring her sure-footedness, showing off her finely muscled knees that fit her agile and elegant body so well. I shook my head, coming to my senses. I was destined to be a leader with Lutsey like Tsahik, and shouldn't have such thoughts.

The next day,

I was getting ready to accompany Delane to his Iknimaya, lost in my thoughts. I thought about the tawtute, her body combining strength and agility, with a face showing great ferocity in battle, but great tenderness. Her nose so well drawn, harmonizing with her slightly swollen lips and her black braided hair covering her upper back.

Mother: What are you thinking about, Tsu'tey?

Me, sighing: Nothing, Mother.

Mother: Are you thinking about that sky demon?

I stared at her, her face marked by the ages. I didn't know what to make of those words. Now that I knew my apprentice, it was hard to think of her as a demon. More like a friend, with whom I could talk, seeming to understand me

Me: Yes

Mother: You shouldn't worry about it. I doubt she can pass the tests to become omatikaya

I had a little anxiety, thinking about these eventualities. However, I had confidence in her. She will pass them.

Me: We'll see, Mother.

It was at this moment that Delane appeared, standing perfectly still on Txampay, due to the brighter blue manes than the usual Pa'lis. With the white Ikran symbol on her forehead, she greeted Mother with a shake of her head as she stared at her with fury.

The Alternate threads of fate ( ENGV of "les  fils Alternatifs du Destin")Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora