Half of him

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The sound of you kicking the punching bag echoes through the entire downstairs of the gym. You're focused and blowing off all of the steam that you've been keeping to yourself for the past two years, but punching and kicking a  bag isn't enough for you to let go of all the rage you've been holding on to.

You take shallow  breaths while you punch the bag as fast as you can and with all the strength you have, you try to remain as focused as you can but the thought and clear image of everyone turning their backs on you, talking shit about you and accusing you of something you didn't do keeps roaming around in your head.

All it does is is fuel your rage even more making you punch harder and faster without even thinking about how much your hands might hurt later, and suddenly the punching bag flies off the hinges and crashes into the wall in front of you. "agh!" You scream in fury.

"That's the fourth bag today" Inumaki says coming into the gym running his hand through his hair.

"Maybe you just have shitty punching bags" You laugh, breathing heavily.

"Maybe" He agrees jokingly.

Sweat pours down your face and down your toned stomach while you start to unwrap your hands from the boxing bandages. A few strands of your hair are stuck to your forehead, and any normal person would agree that you don't look yourself right now, except for maybe Inumaki who thinks you look perfectly fine.

"You've been training hard for the past two weeks, your body seems to be getting stronger by the day" He says sitting down. He rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt exposing his veiny arms while he leans back in the seat and spreads his legs slightly and for a woman who hasn't had sex in years it was kind of distracting for you.

"Yeah. My wounds are completely gone and I feel way stronger than before" you tell him. breathing heavily "Have you been able to figure out why I've been healing so fast?" You ask him taking a water bottle from the cold fridge and pouring some on your chest to cool off, which to him was a sight to enjoy.

"I just got the test results a few hours ago" He sighs. "We're all waiting for you upstairs to go through them" He says.

"It's bad isn't it?" You ask him. You can sense that the test results won't be good by the way he's holding on to that folder for dear life, his tone of voice is also pretty off.

"We'll talk about it upstairs okay?" He says. "Go clean up and get comfortable, and meet us in the kitchen" He says still kind of admiring your body.

"Fine" You roll your eyes finishing the water bottle and tossing it into the trash can next to the door right before you walk out. You run upstairs and quickly hop in the shower and thoroughly clean yourself.

While you are standing under the hot water you can't help but think that something about Inumaki's demeanor isn't right.

You could easily sense that something in those tests wasn't okay but he almost makes it seem like it's something out of this world, he just didn't seem normal and you are beginning to worry while the steamy hot water pours all over your body.

All you know for sure is that it has to do with that last injection that guard gave you, that you remember clearly being a dark color.

You recently started regaining your memory slowly and one of the things you remember clearly is all the stuff you were injected with and you're almost sure that the last injection you were given has something to do with how fast you've  been healing and would explain your eyes  glowing when you were enraged.

Once you are out of the shower and dressed you make your way over to the kitchen where Maki, Nobara and Inumaki sit in silence with their heads down. The atmosphere of the kitchen is gloomy and filled with anxiety, something is definitely wrong and you have absolutely no idea how bad these results are about to be.

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