Alerting Monarch

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Cesar: You IDIOT! YOU FOOL! How could you let my project fall into the claws of that hydra?

Cesar was yelling at Jonathan for letting Ghidorah have Princess instead of trying to get away with her.

Jonathan: Because unlike you, I knew that we would all be goners if we tried to keep the clone. It was better to just let the hydra have the clone besides we can get it back.

Cesar turned away and growled. Nearby, Harley was watching the whole thing and found it rather amusing, although she didn't let anyone know, nor did she show it.

Cesar: I'm just under a lot of stress right now. *looks at his daughter* Harley dear, please do me a favor and go home. I just need some space with Jonathan.

Harley: Yes dad. Right away. *gathers her things and walks out the door*

Harley made her way down the corridor and walked out an exit. Once she got into her car, she pulled up her computer and began dialing a number. Then, Katsura Serizawa showed up on screen.

Katsura: Well, hello there Harley. Good to see you again.

Harley: Good to see you to Katsura. Listen, Cesar is planning to go to Ghidorah Island and take back Princess. I know how furious Ghidorah will be if he finds his daughter missing and I don't want him going on a rampage and hurting a bunch of people.

Katsura: *Nods* Okay well, come to Monarch Outpost 54. We'll talk more there.

Harley: Right. See you then. *Turns off computer, starts car and drives off*

Ghidorah Island

Ghidorah had been trying to teach Princess how to be a Ghidorah but it was hard. Princess knew that her father was just trying to help her be the best Ghidorah she could but it just wasn't working.

Roku: Sisters, do you think we'll make father proud?

Shi: We will Roku and papa knows it

Go: That's right. He says we need to wait until our body is a little more developed.

My Monsterverse book: Ghidorah: New BloodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin