Part one new school

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Great a new school the reason I'm moving school is because I'm going to my brothers school instead, I hated the girls in my old school anyway.

I'm currently searching through my brothers room trying to find his old uniform. "FRANKKK!?" I yelled from his door.



"HUH!?" He shouted not hearing me

"DO. YOU. HAVE. ANY. OLD. UNFIFORMS?!?" I yelled back


"UGHHH GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!!"  I screamed in annoyance.

he came running up the stairs and said "what do you want? get out of my room."

"No I need one of your old uniforms."

"Fine only for one day though I'll get mum to go shopping for you while we're at school." He started searching through his messy room and pulled out a shirt and a blazer it was ripped up blue. "This will have to do here you go y/n."

"It's got holes Frankie.." I said in a whiny voice.

"I know I get in a lot of fights. Oh yeah try not to talk to me at school I don't think my friends will like a shy girl like you." He teased I grabbed the uniform and nudged his shoulder on my way out of his room. "Now, now y/n unless you want to go to school with no uniform I'd be nice to me." He said with a smirk I just rolled my eyes and walked into my room.

I set my alarm for tomorrow which I'm probably not gonna wake up to, Oh well! I wonder what Frank's friends are like... I probably won't like them. They're very loud for what I know when they come round they're always screaming in my brothers room. I'm pretty sure they drink to? I don't know.. but they scare the livin' shit outta me.

I decided to listen to music while I was drawing. Love art, I usually draw anything scary. music related or sometimes I draw people on a rare occasion. Today I decided to draw a figure in a forest.

I eventually got tired and went to bed. I looked at my digital clock and it said '00:54 am' fuck I'm gonna be tired tomorrow. I stared at my ceiling for a while and then slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up to Frank screaming in my face "Y/N IERO WAKE YOUR ASS UP!"

"AHHH!" I screamed and fell of my bed with fear "you jerk!" I yelled getting up and turning off my alarm clock which was to quiet for me to wake up to.

"You welcome!" He said before throwing a pillow at my face

"I hate you, you dick-wad!" I yelled in annoyance

Frank flipped me off and chuckled while sarcasticly saying "Love you to sis!"

As soon as he left the room I grabbed my temporary uniform and set it down on my bed I started to get unchanged and I put my shirt oni picked up the tie that I stole from my brother and put it on I searched my room for some skinny jeans.  'Yes found them.' i thought to myself as I picked up some of my really tight black jeans. I liked these jeans.

I shoved them on and pulled my blazer. Come to think of it it's only got two or three rips in them and it looks bad ass so I don't care. I shoved my phone, keys and make up in my pockets of my blazer. I grabbed one of my eyeliners and put some on real quick just around my eyes and a little wing. Cute.

I walked downstairs and met with Frank "who are you trying to impress with your makeup?" He said pulling a cringe face "you look... Like me- ew!" He said pretending to gag

I just rolled my eyes and took his drink I took a sip and spat it out straight away on the floor "ew what is this!?" I asked gaging

"Uhh vodka..." Frank says quietly

"Fuckin hell Frankie it's like 7:46 am and your drinking?" I asked rolling my eyes

"Shut up n/n." He says chuckling "anyways let's go I need to meet the guys outside.. oh and be careful around them.." He chuckled once agian u just rolled my eyes and followed him outside

We started walking down the street until we we're met with three guys.

one of the guys had glasses at the end of his nose and longish straight blonde hair and a grey beanie going to the side he was reading a book, He seemed cool I guess.

Then there was the tall guy with curly afro hair he was sitting in the wall nest to the cool guy with the book, he was talking to the book guy about something but he doesn't seem to be listening.

Then I looked to the right and saw this tallish guy with long messy black hair and mesmerising hazel eyes he was smoking and leaning against the lamppost.. 'he's kinda hot' I thought to myself.

"What did you say?" Frank said confused

"W-what? Nothing..." Please tell me I didnt say anything.. fuck fuck fuck fuck!

"She said 'hes kinda hot' if I'm not mistaken." The book guy said. Not cool, not cool, he's not cool!!

"Who is n/n?" Frank asked looking at me with a stare

"N-nobody I didn't say that i-i said it's to hot..." I said with burning hot cheeks

"Okay whatever.. let's go guys." Frank said with a shrug

"Aren't you gonna do some introductions or something man?" The afro guy said

"Can we walk and introduce I'm impatient" The hazel eyed guy said tapping his foot not even acknowledging my existence.

"Yeah come on." Afro guy said.

We started walking and Frank said "y/n this is Mikey." He points at the book guy. He points at afro guy "Ray,". he points at the hazel eyed guy and says "and this is Gerard." Then he puts an arm around my shoulder before pushing me forward almost infront of the three boys "everyone this is my sister y/n!"

I turned around and saw the three looking at me "hey y/n." Mikey said smiling

"Hi Mikey.." I replied shyly

"Hi." Ray said kinda flatly

"Hello.." I said hiding behind Frank Ray scares me

"Hey sugar." Gerard said while smirking down at me

"Uh- i- hello.." I said still hiding behind Frank.

Frank sighed and said "gee don't call my sister that she's, uh... kinda shy."

"She's cute too." Gerard said winking at me

"Gee, Stop." Frank said sternly

"Hey chill I'm just saying fact's." He chuckled "don't worry sugar I won't bite."

"Yes he will." Ray said chuckling "he'll bite your hard and leave a mark if you know what I mean." Mikey was laughing with him at this point

"What?" I asked Frank he was death staring Ray

"Doesn't matter what he means." He said sternly slapping Ray and Mikey lightly

"He means I'm a vampire I'll leave a mark in your n-" Gerard was saying smirking before frank nipped his arm

"Shut up." Frank snapped in his face

"Lay off man." Gerard said rolling his eyes

We finally arrived at school everyone ran away a soon as we walked in the doors.

"Y/n you might wanna get your schedule." Mikey said

"Yeah thanks Mikey." I smiled I was talking to Mikey on the way to school he is cool.

I went to the front desk and grabbed my schedule.


Heyy kinda cliffhanger-ing you i don't know I'm just lazy right now lmao

the delinquents sister (gerardxreader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora