A Familiar Forest

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Sans was way past Ebbot now. He'd passed three towns since his journey began, but he needed a break- and food. The small convince store in Bosle did the trick. Fright watched from the windows outside while Sans got himself some snacks and a drink. "That's one hell of a horse you got out there son." Was all the cashier commented as Sans put his stuff down. "heh, thanks, she's one of a kind." He chuckled quietly as the cashier scanned away at his goodies. "$13.25." Sans passed over a twenty. "keep the change." He grabbed his bag and headed out to the ever curious Fright while she sniffed his treats. "'spose ya never seen anything like this before, huh? it didn't let you or the others out during any route but the genocides to kill the kid. sorry." Sans led Fright to a nearby alley where they could rest without accidentally scaring the locals. The ringing noise quieted the closer Sans got, but he knew he had a very long ways to go. "here, have my cheetos." Sans opened the bag for Fright to devour then grabbed a swiss roll.


Papyrus didn't like the lack of puns. Maybe he should've stayed home, asked to go with. He was a Skeleton too, after all. He should've gone with to see his home, maybe he could've learned more... Papyrus tried to recall the direction Allhalla was. North... no northeast. Papyrus could just keep going northeast and maybe he could catch up with Sans. Papyrus shot the others a text, telling them where he was headed and his plans. Hopefully he would have service there, he would love to send pictures to the others. If not, he could still take pictures and show them when he got back. For now though, Papyrus packed for a few days. Surely the journey wouldn't take to long, right? Papyrus could catch up with Sans in no time! Especially in his favorite red sports car! He hummed Bonetrousle excitedly as he finished packing. He got a text from Undyne telling him to be careful. He returned her text with quick reassurance as he headed out, buckling his bag up in the bag before hopping into the front to begin his own journey to the Skeleton homeland. He hoped Sans wouldn't be too mad that Papyrus followed him, they never really talked about him going before..


It's been roughly a month. Sans adapted surprisingly quickly to hunting for himself and living outside again. The towns had been getting more and more sparse. Even now, it's been three days since he had been into even a small village. The path that Fright was treading seemed familiar, he was sure he'd been here before and it made him uncertain as to if he wanted to continue this journey. The ringing noise quickly protested. Sans groaned. "i didn't want to go back... why...?" He wasn't very happy with this new development. But if going home meant it would stop, he supposed it wouldn't be horrible to at least check the hiwyns and clean them up. He bet they were buried in tall grass and prairie now. He groaned as he massaged his skull, he wanted it to end already! The sound was giving him a headache. "i already know where i am going, why don't you just stop already?" Fright nosed him worriedly. "heh, i'll be fine, nothing i can't handle." He reassured the blaster. She picked him up by his hood and carried him past a river. "thanks girl, you're great." She purred.


Papyrus wasn't lost. No way, no how.
Yeah, he was a little lost. His GPS stopped working and there wasn't a convenience store in the small town he was in. If he could even call it that. It was more like a town hall, library, and a cluster of houses. Papyrus sighed as he put up the roof of his convertible. This wasn't going as he planned. He had no idea where he was going or how to live outside like they did in Sans day. For all Papyrus knew Sans was at home worrying about him. Maybe Papyrus should've just waited. Asked Sans to bring him next time. Instead it's been a month, Papyrus was lost, his friends were likely freaking out, and Sans was probably searching the whole region for him. It wasn't supposed to take this long. Papyrus put his seat back and closed his sockets. He would try to backtrack tomorrow and find a map. He couldn't give up, he needed to get somewhere where Sans could find him easier, even if it meant staying at the ghost town that Allhalla was for a little while. Everything would be ok.


A yap woke Sans from his nap. The ringing had dulled down enough for it, but now something else was waking him up. Sans yawned and climbed down the tree he was in. That sound... I had been familiar... there was a trill. Sans followed the sounds, crouching low. He was fairly sure he knew what it was, but if it was, that meant he was finally getting close. He broke through some shrubbery, peeking into the gorge infront of him. Blaster pups tumbled around while a pack member watched a small ways away. Sans was officially in Blaster territory. It was only a three days ride to Allhalla from here. Sans sighed as he watched for a bit longer. How long had it been since he saw a wild Blaster pack in their natural habitat? It was quite the sight to behold. He remembered that first day when he tamed Fright and shared wills with her. Maybe someday he could bring Papyrus out here and have him tame his first blaster. He bet his bro would love that. For now, it was about time he got on his way again.

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