First chapter

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So the 1st to set up events that happened are the Purchases of both Malta and Bermuda alongside the creation of 2 vassals for the British Empire. The vassals created are the Dominion of Canada, and the British Raj who both are a part of the faction I made for the British Empire known as the Imperial Federation. (The British Raj does not own their peak territory but just Pakistan.) I then established ports and forces all over my current holdings which are a few near Madagascar, more than half of Yemen, small parts of mainland Africa, one part of the strait of Hormuz actually it may be the actual strait, part of Nicuargua, and the former British holding in America if I recall it right. I then decided to send over an ultimanium to Gibraltar to annex them which they of course accepted since I had at them time 30k in my army. I also have established 2k garrisons in Gibraltar and Malta while I began planning to spread across all over Africa and since there is no navy or air force. See you next chapter all of you

My play through of a custom scenario in Age of History 2Where stories live. Discover now