going back to hogwarts

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Hermiones POV

Going back to hogwarts was scary for me because I wasn't sure what I'd tell people or what they would hear about fred and I.

I'm not sure if we want to tell people yet. We'll I know I'm not sure about it.

What would we do if we didn't tell people how would we hang out.

"Hermione?" Fred asked

I snap my head back and realise we are laying on the couch facing eachother

"Yes fred?"

"I got scared for a moment you completely zoned out" fred said "I asked if you wanted to get a separate compartment with me so it'll be just us tomorrow"

"Oh" I'm surprised "are you sure you don't want to spend some time with George and plan all the pranks in the world for term?"

"Mia you say that thinking we don't plan everything at the start of the year. And if I would sit with you I'd I had the chance to"

"I mean if we can find one of course but let's just hope no one needs it" I say

"Ok then" He kissed my cheek "well what do you have planned for today?"

"Normally I would be barking at Ron to get his work done but I'm still annoyed at him"

"Just say pissed mia" fred insisted "it's just us"

"Fred there is a lot of things I dint say or do infront of people and saying pissed is one of them"

"You just got so unbelievably hot right now" He said kissing me. I chuckle in-between kisses

"Fred" *kiss*

"Yes" *kiss*

"Um you might need to go" He pulls apart

"Why" he sits up slightly on the couch facing me

"To sort out the thing that's poking my stomach" I say smiling

"Oh shit sorry love" He said

"It's fine" I say "I just think you'd rather deal with it than leave it"

"You are very true last time I did that it was not fun"

"Ok too much info" I say

"Sorry ill go hop in the shower" I nod as he gets up and kissed my forehead.

No one else was in the house so I got my charmed bag and pulled out something and went outside.

Fred POV

I felt bad because I didnt want hermione getting the wrong impression I mean its not my fault it kinda had his own brain

I go upstairs shower and deal with it while coming back I see hermione wasn't in the room and so I shout for her.

No respond

I see her hair flowing behind a tree and started walking up to her.

"Hermione?" I say 5 feet away from her "what are you doing"

"Shit" I hear her whisper "uh nothing"

"Hermione you aren't a good liar" i walk up to her and see what's in her hand.......

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