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(Play the song when i say please)

Eventually during the week Ron was a little more calm when seeing fred and I together so that Friday we thought we'd tell him

We sat down in ginnys room so Ron had his own choice to leave whenever he wants

"So whyd you guys want to speak to me?" Ron asked obliviously

"Umm well we have something to tell you" Fred said "and just so you know you are free to leave whenever you want to just please wait until after we say it"

"What?" Ron said smiling "Okay?"

"Ok well.... you see.... Fred and I have been... going out for the past few weeks. And we felt it was important for you to know" I said

His face dropped "who knows" he said with no emotion

"Only ginny and now you" Fred said "ginny kind figured it out just before we went to that movie last week"

"So I'm the first one you told?"

"Yes" I say

"And why don't I believe you?"

"What?" Fred said

"I don't believe I was the first one you told!" Ron said leaving then shouting "EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS NOW!"

we look at eachother and run down

"Now we will know the truth if I am" Ron said

"Ron this is a big mistake please don't do this we told you out of trust" I said

"Ron we aren't ready for everyone to know what we are" Fred said

"Well should've thought about that before you told me" Ron said

Everyone was downstairs

George, ginny, percy, Harry, molly arthur

"Who else know about those two?" Ron asked

"Knows what about them?" Molly asked

"I know" ginny said

"I know you know I need to know how many others know" Ron shouted

"Ron no one knows!" I say

"Really not even George!! I find that hard to believe!" Ron said

"What don't I know about?" George asked

"Well if no ones going to own up I will say it! Fred and Hermione are going out!" Ron said

Everyone was shocked

"That's right those two are going out" eon said "now who knew"

"Only I knew!" Ginny said

Molly gasps "is it true?"

Fred and I nod and he wraps an arm around me

Ron calmed down "wait.... none of you knew?"

They all shook their heads "Why couldn't you trust us?" I said "after all we've been through why did you think we were lying"

"I-" Ron stopped

"That's right everyone Fred and I are dating! It's shocked you all you didn't expect this because you all expected it to be Ron! Well sorry its not bit I can't and won't change it now." I say then leaving

(Start playing the song now)

"Hermione!" Fred shouted following me upstairs

"Hermione are you ok?"

"Yes I just don't want to be in a room with them right now I want to be alone.

"Ok can I stay?"


"Come on" He said leaving

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere I promise you like it" He held his hand out "cmon mia trust me"

I grabbed his hand we out our shoes on and left

We went to the treehouse I had

"Cmon then" He said climbing it

We went up and he picked a movie to watch jaws

Second last chapter! I think you might be mad at me when you read the next one 🙁

Always and Forever ~ Fremione Where stories live. Discover now