Torture. Pt. 3

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Torture ⚠️

Btw, thick letters are your thoughts!

Hope you enjoyy~!


After a view moments we land somewhere. I don't know where, but the first thing we do is we apparate. I get put in a cell. I sit on the bed while Bellatrix sits next to me. "What do you want from me?" I say. "Oh. Itty bitty baby Y/n. Is she scared?" She mocks.

I look with an dead stare. "You better watch out with what you are saying..." I say and I want to grab my wand as fast as I can. "Looking for this?" She holds my wand. "How-..?" "Look, you need to talk if you don't want any of your family or friends getting hurt. So what do you want to choose.. Because I don't think little Y/n wants to see any blood.." She says. "You wouldn't dare.." She aims her wand at me. "Oh, believe me.."

I stay quiet for a while. "Talk." I still sit there. "Y/n.. This is the last time.. TALK!" She still had her wand aimed at me. I still stare at her while I see anger in her eyes. She stands up. I'm prepared.. "CRUCIO!" She yells.

I scream. I feel pain, a pain like a thousand knives cutting me until I can't breath anymore. "You want to talk now? Mm?" She asks. "Never." I say. I don't care about how much she is going to hurt me, I will die for my family and friends. "CRUCIO!" I hear once again. I try to stand up, but I fall on the ground. I scream on the top of my lungs.

I'm dead. I'm gonna be dead if she doesn't stop-.. "Stand up." She commands. I don't stand up, I'm just in pain. "STAND UP!" She picks me up and makes sure I stand properly. "The dark lord is coming." She says. I don't say anything, I don't care about how bad he is gonna hurt me.

"If you even dare to try something.. You will be dead." She whispers in my ear. I gulp. She holds me tight when te dark lord comes, making sure I can't cause any trouble. "Well. If that isn't our dear Y/n.." I only glare at him. "There is no need to get panicked." "Why?" My voice is deep and full of power. "You took me away from my friends and family, why would I not panick about that?" I feel Bellatrix holding me tighter.

She's going mad-.. I hear a voice that snaps me out of my thoughts. "I can make you a deal. You will go back to your normal live, but only, if you're-.." I don't even let him finish. "IM NOT GOING TO BE A DEATH EATER!" I feel hands grab me really tight and words are being whispered in my ear. "You stop this attitude infront of the dark lord, or else-.." "It is alright Bella.." The dark lord says with a calm voice. Bella looks a bit offended, but still mad.

"Y/n I understand that you don't want to become a death eater, but it's the only thing you can do to bring your normal live back." I sigh. "Is it the only thing I can do?" "Yes." "Alright I do it, on one condition." He nods. "You leave my family alone." He nods again.

"We only need you to stay somewhere for living." He starts. "What about your manor Bellatrix?" I look at Bellatrix and she looks shocked. "B-but my lord. I can't-.." She even seems to struggle with her words. "Bellatrix." I see that Bellatrix almost shrieks. "I-I-I see what I can do." "That sounds better." The dark lord turns to me again. "You are going to Lestrange manor and Bellatrix will keep a close eye on you."

I just nod. Not knowing what to say. "Well Bellatrix, I think you both can go now." He says turning to Bellatrix again. "Yes my lord." She takes my hand as we apparate.

As we apparate the first thing I see is a LARGE manor. "This is your-.." "House? Yes. Well come on. I'm not going to wait for you." You are mind blowed. Bellatrix is already walking towards the manor, but she turns around. "Are you coming or are gonna stand there?" She says with a slight smirk. I snap out of my little trans. "Oh yes! I'm coming!"

I run after her as we walk into the house. "Wait for me please!" I yell, before she walks into the house. She stops and turns around, looking at me.

As I reach her, she opens the door. "Make sure you don't touch anything. Am I clear?" I nodded after she finished her sentence.

We walk inside the big mansion. "Bloody hell.." She turns to me. "Language." I nodded and walked inside with her. I looked at the dark wood floor and slowly looked up at the chandelier. "This place is gorgeous.." I say, while she walks towards the stairs.

"Yeah yeah.. That's enough. Come one. I will show you your room." I walk towards the staircase and I just follow her trough the halls. Bloody hell, this place is big.. "I know." I heard a voice say, her voice. "Y-you read my mind..?" "Ofcourse I did. Your thoughts are very loud darling." I blushed at the pet name she gave me.

As we walked trough the halls she stopped at a door. "Here it is." She opens the door and walks in.

She turns around, facing me. "Aren't you gonna come in?" I came back out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Yes, yes.." I walked into the room. IT-WAS-HUGE. I looked at the bed and at the doors which were in my room. "Where are those doors going?" I asked, looking at her.

"They go to the bathroom." "I have an own bathroom?!" I almost screamed. "Yes. Yes you have." She walked to the doors and opened them. "Wow! This looks awesome! This is definitely different then ours at home. Or well. I live here now.. So.." I looked down at the floor while remembering it. She put her hand under my head and lifted it, so I looked her in her dark brown eyes.

"Yes, you live here now. And don't be upset about it. You have me. It's my job to take care of you, so I will do that. But, well. Make sure you get comfortable. I'm going downstairs, let me know if you need anything love." She walked out of the room, leaving me, blushing.

I sat on the bed and started to look around and started to think, I was still blushing. Bloody hell, how can she be so attractive?! Wait. I'm catching feelings for her?! What the fuck?!

Word count: 1139

I hope you liked this part! I'm struggling with if I want to make long or short chapters. I trying to make as long as possible!

(There are coming more long chapters!)

Love you!
-Liz. <3

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