1 // y/n x harvey // stitches ❀

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The last thing I remember was the eerie sound of a bat screeching. My head hitting the floor. Blood dripping into my vision, my eyes turning crimson. 

Then, it went all black. 

The mines here are a scary place, especially if you're a newbie. But I wasn't. I'm not. I've been in this cave hundreds, maybe even thousands of times. I've slain billions of monsters and left their corpses to rot amongst the jewels and rubies littered across the cavern floor. I've traversed through all the levels, nearly breaking the ancient elevator that has carried me through so many floors. I've found treasures nobody else could even dare to dream of. I've even made friends along the way. 

So why, why did I pass out looking for some fucking iron ore? 

This morning I woke up like any other normal day. Skipped my morning coffee -- I didn't think I'd need it! All I'd be doing was feeding the farm animals and tending to my crops, right? 


One of my sprinklers broke. Not a huge deal, I could just water the cauliflower myself. I did own a watering can, you know. But I decided to be smart and just...make a new sprinkler! The only problem: I needed a bar of iron ore, and I...didn't have any iron. 

Embarrassing, I know, but I had wanted to make a couple of kegs the other day and had used up my last couple hunks of iron, and then I had wanted to get on Clint's good side for buying out his entire stock of coal, so I gave him my last one as a peace offering. I thought that it wouldn't be a big deal to just grab my pickaxe, head on over to the mines, and walk out with a sack full of iron ore. 

Now I'm here. Stuck in level 47 with no food, no weapons, no hope...and an army of skeletons charging at me with an unrecognizable force. 

Is this how I die? 

I was left to fend for myself. Full of misery and hopelessness, I made the executive decision to try my best to crawl towards the elevator and go down to the first floor. Maybe, if I got lucky, I could scream for help and the Dwarf would find me -- but worst case scenerio, I...



"Y/n, is that you?" 

"Yes," I mustered, clutching my side. My knuckles were bruised and bloodied, and I had suffered from a major gash on the skin outside my ribcage. Not to mention the cut on my forehead, the blood dripping down into my eyes, the redness staining my face. "Please, get me out of here!" 


"You're lucky that Clint found you, y/n," Harvey said, worriedly brushing the hair out of my eyes. "If he hadn't been down there, who knows what could've happened?" 

"Yeah..." Clint was stationed in the waiting room, an energy drink in one hand, a bottle of muscle remedy in the other. "I think I blew my back out dragging you all the way up here. Be a little more careful next time, okay?" 

"I have no idea how this happened..." I mused, "I'm so sorry. I go in the mines all the time! I was just trying to find some iron ore..." 

"Did you have anything to eat or drink before you left?" Harvey asked. 


"Well," Harvey got up from his seat. "That's the problem! Y/n, I'll be right back. Clint, why don't you go on home. That muscle remedy is on the house. Rest up, and if your back doesn't get better by Tuesday, come back here, alright?" 

"Thanks, Doc," Clint awkwardly saluted before groaning, clutching his knees as he rose from his seat. I couldn't help but feel a little bad as he wobbled out of the clinic. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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