"Promise me you will not cry after i leave with god." I widened my eyes as i stared at her .

"Mom- you aren't going anywhere! I will not let you!!-" she cut me off as her monitor started beeping suddenly. I glanced at the monitor in horror as my father tried taking me away.

"Anna! Pr-promise me.... You will only smile when you remember me! I don't want to be the reason you ever cry or be-" she started breathing heavily as the doctors came beside me and started saying some statement to the nurse , while dad trying to take me out. But i just focused on what she was trying to say....

"Promise me ..... Yo-you will always remember me in good memories only......promise me Anna....." I cried out loudly but managed to spoke out my words...

"I promise you mom..." And just like that everything became silent. The sound of beeping turned into a single *teee* sound...... The doctor and the nurses just stood their with their heads down . And my dad.... He was on the wall leaning while hiding his face in his hands..... silently .

I looked at my mom . She was still. Eyes half closed as i looked at her and caressed her face. A tear dropped by her cheeks. I wiped my tears and hid in her arm.

"I love you mom.." i muffled out as i said those words but as soon as I got up from near her and looked around the room everything started spinning. My head. The room. The ground. My eyeballs too. And then i couldn't breathe properly . Suddenly everything went black .

I got up trying my best to not cause myself any pain but it did felt not because of the belt hits.

Because of his words .

That really stung in my heart deep.

And have cause real damage.

That can't be ever heal.

As i took the support of the countertop i slowly walked towards the bathroom. And got near the shower as i slowly removed all my clothing and looked myself in the mirror.


That was the one word that popped up in my head when i looked at my body....

I had an indeed beautiful body.....but now it was all just skins and bones with some ugly scars...
There was a big scar near my upper arm..... There were scars near my shoulder.

One scar that was my biggest scar i have ever gotten was near my belly button. When my father pushed me to the sharp edge of the stairs... It did cause me to spend 2 nights in the hospital...... And my father? He didn't even remembered he did that.

Chuckling to myself as i got into the shower slowly and turned on the cold water to run down my wounds. It burned. I just stood there for i don't know how long until finally i decided to clean myself properly. So i took the body wash , shampoo and washed myself thoroughly.

I wore one of my old tshirt that was a little lose but who cares it will hurt less with it having so much extra space for my scars and new wounds.

With that i just wore some sweats tied my hair up in a bun and walked towards the living room to clean the mess....

After cleaning i sat on my bed and looked at the time.


I sighed as i remembered i had an assignment on pending. So i took my laptop and tried turning it on......shit.....i groaned as it was not working properly...... I felt frustrated so i threw it in my bagpack and then walked out the house to get it repaired.... And i also felt hungry so.....

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