Chapter 1

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Luke's eyes gradually focused, only to be met with a blindingly bright light shining down on him. His head throbbed and his chest was tight, but everything else was numb.

He tried to move his hands, but soon found that he couldn't. Luke lifted his head as far as he could and squinted to make out thick leather straps tying him down to a bed. But it wasn't really a bed, it was a slab of uncomfortable cold metal acting as a bed.

The echo of footsteps bounced against the tiled walls of the small room, and Luke rested his head back down. He allowed his eyes to fall shut, a moment of peace before he knew his world was going to be torn apart. Again.

"Nice to see you, Luke," a strong male voice spoke. He tilted his head to see a man stood with a white lab coat hung loosely over his shoulders, a clipboard securely in his arms. As Luke came to recognise the man, he realised what a disadvantage he was at being strapped down.

"W-what h-happened-d?" Luke stuttered, the words sending shivers through his body. He tried to swallow but his throat was suddenly dry, and his lip was trembling beyond his control.

The doctor chuckled, somehow amused by the question. "I believe I just saved your life."

Luke gulped, trying not to be sick. "I-I would've b-been fine."

"Of course, that's why you were bleeding out on the street."

Then it was Luke's turn to laugh, but he soon found himself coughing and his eyes threatening to close once again. He tried to speak again, but realised he had nothing left to say.

"You're stable enough for now," the doctor said suddenly, then two guards in full body armour appeared at the door. "Put him in with the other boy."

The drugs that Luke had been given whilst he was still unconscious hadn't quite worn off yet. So when the guards undid the straps on his wrists and ankles and tried to stand him up, his knees fell in on themselves and he collapsed to the floor.

The doctor muttered something about dragging him there instead, which the two guards perhaps took too literally. Moments later Luke was being dragged along on his back by his arms, his legs out in front of him.

He groaned as their grip on him was released and his head hit the floor. The guards stepped over his shoulder and walked away, the clanging of metal behind them.

Luke blinked repeatedly, propping himself up on his elbows with every ounce of strength he had left. He looked around, noting the bars that confined him in the small rectangular space with nothing but a bed and a window and a... boy?

"H-hello?" Luke called out weakly to the trembling figure curled up in a ball in the corner. But the boy only pulled his knees closer to his chest, eyes fixed on the ground.

"I w-won't hurt you I p-promise," the blond said a little louder this time, not quite anticipating the pain in his throat at every word he spoke. He forced himself to take deep breaths, suddenly feeling weak again.

He lost control of his body, his elbows crashing to the ground. Luke rolled tiredly onto his side and cradled himself in a fetal position to stop himself from shaking, hearing the sudden scuffle of shoes and then feeling the presence of someone behind him.

Luke looked up to see the boy, rubbing his back awkwardly but comfortingly, and using his fingers to clumsily move the many strands of hair that had stuck to the blonds' sweaty forehead out of the way.

"T-to w-wall," he managed to force past his lips, but thankfully the boy understood exactly what he meant. He grabbed under Luke's arms carefully and hoisted him up, leaning him against the wall so that he was upright and could breathe properly again.

Luke nodded and grunted to show his gratitude, the boy sitting down crossed-legged on the floor beside him and only now could he get a decent look. His hair was lilac but fading, hanging down over half of his dirty face, and his eyes were green but the light and hope completely gone from them.

The boy wore a grey shirt, but it was way too big for him and came down past his knees, and old black jeans that had lost most of their colour were cut off just above his ankles. On his feet were tattered black and white converse, no socks.

How had they been treating him?

"What's your name?" Luke asked, grabbing the boys attention.


Luke tried to smile, but it felt false. "Nice to meet you Michael, I'm Luke."

A silence fell over the two teenagers, neither capable of continuing the conversation. Luke sighed, finally beginning to regain the feeling in the lower half of his body. With it came the pain, a burning sensation on his stomach and a rush of memories he wished would disappear.

He gasped and Michael's head shot up. It was clear from his face that he was frightened, and Luke wondered if he'd ever had anyone put in with him before. Let alone someone quite in his condition.

"W-what happened?" Michael said nervously, not sure whether he wanted to know the answer, but also fearing that he already knew.

"It's a long story," Luke replied, the pain fading away slightly as he got himself into a comfortable position. A part of him wanted to tell Michael everything, just to get it off his chest and relieve the pressure holding him down like an anchor. But at the same time, he didn't know anything about the boy or whether he could trust him with it all.

Michael gulped and nodded, smiling weakly at the blond and placing his hands on his knees, unsure what else to do with them.

Thankfully Luke wasn't paying attention, but if he had then he would've noticed the faint blood stains on his pale fingers.


A/n: I tried to be dramatic but hey ho you got this

I know it's still early but does anyone have any kind of idea what's going to happen?

Thanks for reading luv ya x

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