If Drea had her way, this would be the last year he held that title.

"You've got certain advantages coming from District Four," Finnick was telling them. "Play your cards right during the training days, and you've got an automatic in with the Careers. Of course, there are disadvantages that come with that, too..." He glanced at Mags next to him, who eagerly slurped up a bowl of soup. "But don't worry— we'll have plenty of time to get you prepared for that. Outside of the tribute center, half of your training will be spent with Mags working survival skills, half with me working combat and strategy—"


Finnick's intense eyes shot towards the girl. He'd seen her around growing up, but she was quiet. Pretty, in the way people at the Capitol could only dream of being but could never truly accomplish, with a sienna complexion and glittery black eyes.

He didn't know much about her, about either of them, but he'd heard the name Moreno around. Their parents had died a few years prior in a huge fishing accident just off the coast, amidst a large group of other workers in their district.

Other than that, they were strangers. Still, Finnick deduced some things very quickly— she was fiercely protective over her brother, would do anything for him, and that she was deadlier than she looked. He could tell, just from those striking onyx eyes.

"No," she repeated, just as firm as before. Her little brother's gaze flickered between the mentors and his sister, his district partner.

"You'll both spend all your time with Tobias," she said calmly, looking between Mags and Finnick. "Not me. I'm not coming home, and the sooner you all accept that, the better chance we have of making sure it's him who gets out."

Her eyes focused on Finnick, and he found no sense of fear in them. "And it will be."

Finnick stared at her for a long moment, his expression stoic but calculating. It was the first time he saw her, the first time he really saw her for who she was— loyal, strong, fiercely loving.

And he nodded. "All right, then." He looked to the young boy of only thirteen years of age, the poor, scrawny boy from the fishing district, whose sister was so willing to give her life that she wouldn't even entertain the idea of loss. The Capitol would eat it up.

"Tobias is our focus."

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

PREP FOR THE OPENING CEREMONIES WAS NOT SOMETHING DREA MISSED, THOUGH SHE'D GONE THROUGH SIMILAR PREP MULTIPLE TIMES EVERY YEAR SINCE THE FIRST TIME FOR VARIOUS YET EQUALLY FRIVILOUS REASONS. She was used to the primping and preening at this point, though, and her new stylist was decent enough— though upon seeing Finnick's outfit, she realized their stylists had definitely shared notes.

They were both draped elegantly in identical golden nets, one complex knot on one shoulder holding the net in place so that the strategic knots would hide all the places Drea was sure the Capitol most wanted to see of them.

Whereas Finnick seemed to be completely bare underneath his net, the lines of his hips evident even despite the knots, she was graced with thin, strappy gold undergarments to hold her breasts and curves at just the right angles. They were uncomfortable and tight, but they gave her more coverage than poor Finnick...

But then again, they were used to feeling like pieces of Capitol meat. Ogled at constantly, their sexual and supposed romantic endeavors aired out for the entirety of Panem to see... How was being next-to-naked at the opening ceremonies any different?

Drea's hair took more time than Finnick's natural, windswept look did, her stylists having to thread in little golden bangles all throughout the braids, so she arrived at the scene with not much time to spare before the ceremonies were to commence.

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