Chapter one

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As I woke up I felt my cuts bleeding
I looked at the time it was only three am so I went to the bathroom rebadged them and went to check on naru he was still asleep I got ready and decided to starve again

Time skip to when it's time to wake up naruto

'Wake up!' I yelled at naru as he fell off the bed

'I'm up im up' said naruto

'Well foods ready so go eat, get dressed and brush your teeth so we can go' I said

Time skip to leaving

'Naruto time to leave' I said

Out came naruto all dressed and ready

We walked out the door and then started to jump roof to roof until we got to the academy it was the day we would become genin I looked straight at naruto and told him in a stern voice 'no more act ur passing and so am I'
'Okay' Naruto said rolling his eyes

I flicked him on the fore head a walked into class and sat down on the left of sasuke and Naruto sat on the right

"Okay class todays the day you can become genin" iruka sensei said

"Will start off with a test then kuani (I think that's how you spell it) throwing, and after that will do clone justu test" irika sensei listed

Word count 229

His smile (Naruto x male Judar reader)Where stories live. Discover now