A Confession to No One

Start from the beginning

So that meant...

No. There was no way.

The idea that anything was going on between Shouto and Hitoshi was comical at best and offensive at worst. Shouto knew he wouldn't have had to hide that from Katsuki. Katsuki wasn't homophobic. Plus, not once in their almost decade long friendship had Shouto ever indicated that he was even remotely interested in boys. He was all about Momo Yaoyorozu when they were younger. He even dated her.

Then again, he also dumped her.

Still. Even with a one in a trillion chance of Shouto liking guys, there was a zero percent chance he'd ever be interested in Hitoshi Shinsou. Shouto was way too good for some purple haired creep who owned nothing but flannels and Timberlands. Katsuki didn't know why Shouto was so bothered by the comment he made, but it had nothing to do with having a crush on Hitoshi.

Katsuki needed to cut back on the amount of hot sauce he added to his rice during lunch. It was causing his brain to formulate these wild conspiracy theories.

Forty minutes passed of Katsuki not digesting a word of today's lesson. His mind was occupied elsewhere, the subject of which now calling after him once he stepped into the hallway.

"Wait, Katsuki."

Shouto hugged his books with one hand while the other grabbed Katsuki's wrist. Katsuki shivered at the contact. Shouto's hands always felt like icicles. But he toughed it out. He always toughed it out for Shouto.

When Katsuki faced him, Shouto's eyes resembled those of a helpless puppy. It was a kick to the gut. How did Shouto not fall apart from such sadness? Katsuki was about to fall apart just from looking at him.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you," Shouto said. "I shouldn't have done that."

Yeah, you shouldn't have, Katsuki wanted to say. Instead he replied, "It's whatever. Don't worry about it."

Sporting that same pained expression, Shouto let go of Katsuki's wrist. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting too. It's just...I'm really stressed with school. And some other things."

Just then, Hitoshi walked by them. He winked at Shouto, and Katsuki was 99 percent sure he wasn't supposed to witness that. Shouto blushed and looked away while Katsuki suppressed a look of irritation. He never paid Hitoshi any mind before, but now that he had reason to, Katsuki realized there was something about that guy that rubbed him the wrong way.

But he was getting sidetracked. Hitoshi wasn't important right now, Shouto was.

"Sho," he said, "if something's bothering you, you don't have to keep it from me."

"I know," Shouto replied. Judging from the way he looked at Katsuki, his response was sincere. "I know. I just can't right now. I'm sorry."

Katsuki smiled gently as he threaded his fingers through Shouto's fringe. It wasn't the answer he wanted, but it was the first shred of honesty from Shouto he received in weeks. For now, it'd have to do.

"Don't be sorry," he said. "But let me know if there's anything I can do to help. You know I'm always here"

Shouto's face softened. "Actually," he said, voice shaky, "there is something you can do."

Katsuki blinked twice. He didn't expect Shouto to jump at the opportunity right away, but it was a pleasant surprise. And whatever it was, Katsuki was determined to follow through with it.

Shouto pressed his lips together as he tightened the grip on his textbooks. "When you're done with baseball today, do you, um, mind giving me a ride somewhere?"

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