"Well I don't want my son being around someone like you." she snarled. He stayed silent trying to not the annoying women get to him. He may look 'trashy' but he goes by the classy not trashy rule with people like this.

"Sorry Luke I was just finishing a mission." Michael apologized and Luke nodded. When Michael looked over at his parents he made a disgusted noise.

"What are you guys still doing here? I don't want you here." Michael said coldly.

"So this is the delinquent thats taking you to parties" Karen said and Michael sighed.

"He didn't take me to any party mom. We went to a show last night" Michael sighed and sat down next to Luke.

"A show? You aren't allowed to leave the hospital and especially not for a concert!" She spat and Luke and Michael were tired of the harshness of her voice.

"Okay Im leaving and Michael is coming with me." Luke said angrily and grabbed Michaels wrist dragging him out of the room. He took him out of the building and they walked to Lukes car.

"STOP! Where do you think you're going?" Daryl suddenly yelled and they got in the car quickly and drove off.

"Your parents are something." Michael nodded in agreement. Luke drove down a few roads until they stopped in front of some restaurant. Michael furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Whats this? Why are we here?" Michael asked stepping out of the car.

"Oh yea today is our date" Luke admitted. Michael smiled and walked next to Luke. They walked in and the lady greeted them.

"Hello do you have a reservation?" She asked and he shook his head no. Reservation? Why didn't he think of that?

"Oh then you're probably gonna have to wait about a half an hour" she said and Michael looked around. There was like 45 tables and 6 of them were being used.

"But there is nobody here" Michael pointed out.

"Yes, but people have reserved tables so yo-"

"Ashton!" Luke called and suddenly the curly haired boy walked out holding a towel.

"Mindy get them a table. Thats Luke." Ashton said sternly and walked back in the kitchen.

"Oh I'm sorry. Follow me." she said and they followed her to a small table that was by a small window. She set down the menus and a book that held details of alcoholic beverages.

"Alright there will be a waitress right with you." she said and then walked off. Luke looked at the book his eyes glancing over every word.

Michael was just gonna get water and Luke was gonna get a drink called Hawaiian Lava Flow.

"Hi my name is Lisa. What do you guys want to drink?" she asked. Luke slightly glared at her as she made heart eyes at Michael.

"I want the strawberry Hawaiian Lava Flow and he wants water." Luke said somewhat snappy. She nodded and smiled winking at Michael. He looked away not interested at all.

She left and Michael looked up at Luke seeing a disputed look on his face.

"Luke I obviously don't like her. She is most certainly not my type."

"I know, but we are on a date. Its rude." Luke grumbled and Micael smiled.

"Alright I brought your drinks." she said and set them down. She turned to Michael with a flirty smile.

"So what do you want to eat babe?" She asked seductively. Michael glanced down at the menu. He was acting dumb to her flirting.

"Well I think I'm gonna get the sliders. Babe what are you getting?" Michael asked Luke. The waitress furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the punk boy

"Why did you just call him babe?" she asked confused

"Because he's my boyfriend."

Her eyes widened and she pulled away and made an inhuman noise. Luke glared at her and she stood their awkwardly.

"What do you want?" she asked bit of hate in her voice.

"a new waitress." Luke spat. She rolled her eyes and walked off. Michael giggled at how protective Luke was.

After a few minutes a new waitress did indeed came over and took their orders. They talked and laughed throwing small flirty comments at each other and then Ashton walked out holding the food. He set it down and began talking to Luke.

Michael knew that Ashton didn't like him that much.

"Yea and Tyler is gonna stop by in a little bit. We are going to a party tonight." Ashton explained and Luke scoffed.

"In other words you're gonna be heartbroken again by midnight." Michael furrowed his eyebrows. Why would Ashton be heartbroken?

"Luke it only happened a few times and he said he wont do it anymore." Ashton defended. Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yea he says that all the time Ashton." Ashton rolled his eyes then walked away. Luke finished his foot while Michael had finished it a while ago.

"You ready to go?" Michael nodded and they stood up leaving the restaurant, Michael intertwined his hand with Lukes and smiled when he didn't pull away.




But what do you think of this?

Also picture of me on the side cause I thought I'd let you lovely people know who's writing this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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