Chapter 11

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It was the next day and the frog brothers were coming over to help Micheal and Star and laddie , there was a knock at the door and sam opened it and let the frog brothers in . 

Edger: Okay, where is Nosferatu? 

Alan: the prince of darkness . 

Edger : The night clawer. The bloodsucker. 

Edger: El Vampiro . 

Sam : They are here  Micheal, come down here . 

Micheal comes down the steps looking weak and broken , dark glasses on his ashen face. 

Edger : This guy looks more like a zombie. 

Alan reaches into his backpack and pulls out a sharpened stake. 

Alan : Should I run him through? 

Edger: I've only got one question for you, and I want an honest answer. Have you taken any human lives? 

Micheal : Of course not!

Edger: If you're telling the truth, its means we can save you . 

Sam : He is telling the truth, right Micheal? 

Edger : To free you we must kill the leader of the vampires. 

Micheal : Phoenix and David . 

Edger : I don't want names , just lead me to them. Where is their nest? 

Micheal : I will take you there. 

Alan : You can barely stand up, besides we can't trust you , you're almost one of them . 

Micheal grabs Edger by his arm . 

Micheal : I said I will take you there . nobody is going near Star without me there . 

Edger : Okay , Okay . 

Micheal lets him go and Edger rubs his arm . 

Edger : Vampires have such bad tempers. 

Outside Grandpa was out in the field putting up fence post from the back of his pick up . He turns as he hears his prized chevy squeel backward out of the garage. Sam leans out of the car and yells out . 

Sam : Grandpa, is it okay if we use the car? 

Before he could say anything , the car was gone . 

Micheal drives them to the cave , everyone gets out of the car and the frog brothers check if they have everything to take down the vampires Sam sees his brother stumble and goes over to help him from falling. 

Micheal : Sam. If something happens to me. If I don't have the strength to go on, promise me you won't let them hurt Star. 

Sam gulps feeling overwhelmed by the task . in the lobby of the cave Edger and Alan with wide eyes and wonderment . A moment later, Micheal and Sam come up behind them , Sam is shock on what he is seeing . 

Edger : There's got to be a sleeping chamber around here somewhere . 

As they look for where the vampires sleep Michel goes to the spot where he knows where Star will be in the far back in the lobby . 

Micheal : Star . You are coming with me . 

She opens her eyes and is shocked to see him, but hardly has the strength to show it . 

Star : Micheal? 

He looks around and sees a long hooded cape draped on her bed. 

Micheal : You got to put this on. 

Star : Take Laddie , Take him first . 

Micheal nods and goes over to the little boy , Laddie feels someone pick him up he opens his eyes and freaks out calling Phoenix . 


In the darkside of the cave Phoenix's eyes pop open and all you can see is red and she growls so loud that David wakes up and looks at his mate worried . 

Phoenix : Someone is in the cave I want you and the rest to round them up but be careful of the sunlight I am going to make them help us kill max because I am tried of being his puppet . 

David nods and wakes the rest of the boys and tell them the plan , Phoenix get her hat and cane and puts her hat on and walks out to where Laddie is , She sees Micheal trying to pick him up but freaks him out more , Phoenix bangs her cane on the ground and that gets everyone's eyes on her Laddie gets out of Micheal's grip and runs to Phoenix and hides behind her leg . 

Phoenix : So is this what we do now Micheal you come in my home to take my little from me and try to kill me or David when we were going to kill max tonight? 

Micheal and Star were shocked on what she said they watched as she sits on her throne with laddie on her lap and watched as her mates bring in the frog brothers and Sam and they go stand by her . 

Phoenix : So can we work with each other to end this , Micheal and Star can be human and me and the boys can still be Vampires in peace and you frog boys will kill max the head Vampier that will make Star and Micheal human once more . 

The frog Brothers think and Edger steps up and speaks . 

Edger : Why do you go around and kill good people? 

Phoenix and the boys Burts out laughing and Phoenix speaks . 

Phoenix : We do not kill good People we only kill the bad, Its max that makes us do things that we don't like to do like making Micheal join us because we do not need a other lost boy so can we team up and end this once and for all? 

Micheal , Star , Sam and the frog brothers nods and the lost boys and Phoenix smirk and smile wicked . 

Phoenix : Well what are we waiting for we got a Vampire to kill and be free . 

Phoenix and the boys cheer that they are going to be free and live there immortal lives in peace and not have to follow rules . 

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