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Dedicated to "Eathen_Bae" for being inspirational again.

This isn't a poem but rather a short story so sit down, get comfortable and I'll tell u about this...

Yeah, it was simple. All I had to do was download wattpad. My friend had already told me about it before but I never really had a good phone like all the other kids in my school.

So I did it. 50 followers...100 followers...150 followers...200 followers later I realized that I needed to communicate with some of these people cus literally I felt like a social outcast.

I have a few favourite right now and I can talk to them. I got hooked, writing stories about 5SOS and me and Luke, knowing that whatever i write, all my followers could see.

It was after i hit like 250 followers that I found my favorite. (Shout out to Eathen_Bae for messaging me even though I am a boring person)... We talked a lot. About books and poems, like you're supposed to do but when I read his poem shattered I completely turned the table.

I guess I never really thought that wattpad would be addictive. Everyday I write and talk to my favies through private messaging.

Who knows where wattpad could take me next?


Don't forget to cry

Cry soft tears for me

For I've liked you like a lie

As your love makes me free.

A thousand roses fall

Through my broken heart

And i see the closed wall

As it tears us apart.

So who am I texting?

Who is this crush?

I can't be forgetting

The things that're lush.

So come to me.

Text me.

Anything for sure.

For I trust you

And I message you

Because my heart is pure.

Pity me beautiful....

Wehey! Shout out to all of u reading this... I love you so much xoxo

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