Chapter 12 | Back to the beginning

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Lan Zhan thought about his father's words. He had more and more questions, but still, he did not speak.

"This trip will be a good chance for you to finally come clean about your feelings for Wei Ying and decide whether you want to continue living in denial or not. Wei Ying doesn't deserve the pain you inflict on him because of your own stubbornness. ... Stop playing with yours and his feelings. If you truly love him, then don't hide it from him, .. or you let Wei Ying go. ... But you don't hurt his soul or his heart anymore!" Mingjue harshly told his son the truth. But for Lan Zhan, his father's words were as if he had suddenly fallen into cold water.

If an alpha was dismissive of an omega approaching him, it was often heartbreaking for the omega. But if the alpha did all this to his soulmate, it quickly become a spiritually penetrating pain for the omega. Because of this, the omegas have often drifted on a tragic path. This event is exactly what Mingjue was trying to protect Wei Ying from. After seeing his son's behavior earlier, Mingjue decided not to wait any longer, but to intervene. In the end, Mingjue forces Lan Zhan to make a decision; - Lan Zhan either conquers his fear, or releases Wei Ying before it is too late.

After a long silence, Mingjue continued.

"Now go. I've already put everything you'll need for the trip in the backpack." said Mingjue as he stood up from the table and pointed to the backpack on the kitchen counter. Mingjue went to the door, and there he stopped and turned around.

"Go on, and take care of both yourselves and each other." said Mingjue, then walked out onto the terrace.

Lan Zhan sat quietly at the table for a while. He well knew that all that Mingjue said to him was a reference; his father did not want him to repeat the mistake that Mingjue had made.

Even Mingjue doubted himself for a long time when he wondered if he was worthy of the omega he liked. But Mingjue didn't realize that he had initially pushed away the omega who, as it turned out, was his soulmate.


When Wei Ying said goodbye to Mingjue, he began to suspect that something had pressed on the elderly alpha's soul. Even though Mingjue hugged Wei Ying and seemed cheerful, he could not hide his heartache from the omega.

Wei Ying noticed Mingjue's broken smile and saw the sadness in the alpha's eyes. He repeatedly tried to get Mingjue to speak but to no avail. Mingjue stubbornly insisted that he was fine and Wei Ying had nothing to worry about. Wei Ying only calmed down after Song Lan promised him that as long as he and Lan Zhan were away, he would stay in the house and take care of the elderly alpha.


Lan Zhan and Wei Ying's journey was quiet. They walked along the same path they had been on before. They were in the woods again, but this time walking through the "hunting ground of the alphas", Wei Ying no longer felt so much fear. Wei Ying leaned on the alpha as he hugged Lan Zhan's arm. The alpha walked calmly next to Wei Ying, but held the omega's hand tightly in his hand. Every time Lan Zhan sensed omega's uneasiness, he glanced at Wei Ying and smiled encouragingly. Wei Ying always snuggled closer to him, indicating that he felt completely safe beside Lan Zhan.

They took a short break and stopped for a while, but eventually, they arrived near the omega's former home.

They took a short break and stopped for a while, but eventually, they arrived near the omega's former home

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