Chapter 1 | A sad chapter

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The forest was very quiet. The only sounds were the wind and night beetles.

However, even in the calm area, Wei Ying tried to move in the greatest silence. For every little noise, he stopped or froze. Although the forest showed peace, the omega was always afraid to be there, no matter if it was day or night.

He'd only been in the woods a few days, but he quickly learned that he had to be careful all the time. The danger can find him at any time. This bad luck, which forced him on a dangerous journey, occurred only 2-3 days ago.


‿︵¸¸ .•*『─ Flashback:

There was a small house in the forest. Wei Ying has lived there carefree with his parents since he was a child.

But one day it was broken forever, not only in his life, but also in his parents'....

In the early hours of the morning, when Wei Ying was downstairs and he and his mother were preparing breakfast in the kitchen, they suddenly heard the sound of a loud argument outside

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In the early hours of the morning, when Wei Ying was downstairs and he and his mother were preparing breakfast in the kitchen, they suddenly heard the sound of a loud argument outside.

"I don't care what my father told you a long time ago, or what you agreed with him. Now I'm the leader, and that's what I've decided!!" said the man angrily.

"But I will not accept your proposal! Forget that! I owe you nothing! Now get out of here!" said Changze.

"We're not going anywhere! You must pay, but not with money!" the man ordered.

"Mom, what's going on? Who is this?" suddenly Wei Ying asked his mother.

"I don't know, but I don't want him .. or them entering my house." Sanren replied.

"I will neither pay nor obey! Now I'm warning you to get off my property!" shouted Changze again from outside.

Sanren motioned her son to stay while she went to the front door, where the increasingly loud shouting was coming from. She had barely got close to the door when it suddenly opened. Changze entered, and as soon as he could, he closed the door and locked the latch. Sanren looked at her partner in horror as he finally turned to her and spoke.

"We don't have much time, we have to get out of here, NOW!" the alpha declared.

"What? Why? What happened out there? Who are they?" asked Sanren anxiously.

"Alphas. .. And they're dangerous. ..." - replied Changze as he walked past her. - "Where's Wei Ying?"

"He's in the kitchen right now. ..." - said Sanren as the alpha rushed to the windows and closed them all. Sanren watched his companion's actions in bewilderment. - "What are you doing?"

After closing everything, Changze ran to the door at the end of the corridor, where he kept his gun locked away.

"Changze? .. Who are they and why are they here? What do they want from us?" continued Sanren, but her partner refused to answer her.

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