chapter 1

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She put her dark hoodie on and pulled the hood up to hide her face and her bruised dark eye, seventeen year old amber freeman, she had finally got enough money to get back into school after working for a whole year. Her parents had left her when she was only seven, decided they didn't care anymore and that she could handle herself, amber hated it, maybe if they hadn't fucking left she could've had a normal life any child wanted, but although she could handle herself, it was miserable, stealing food from stores when she could, simply just to keep on living, getting a job at the age of thirteen so she wouldn't have to steal anymore. And now she was finally let back in so she could continue her school life, she grabbed her backpack, slung it lazily over her shoulder and left the apartment.


"Where is mindy seriously chad, she was literally in the same car as you! How do you not know where she is" Wes asked with his arms folded

"She probably wandered off to go fuck frances" Liv called as she walked up to them with Tara.

Tara was very excited for today and everyone else was rushing around because she was having a party tonight at her house, her sister was out of town with her boyfriend richie so she had the house to herself for a while.

For some reason she had invited everyone from the school and told them to bring others, she knew she would regret it but she didn't care.

"What's up!"

Everyone turned their heads and wes stood up and stomped towards a confused but aware mindy meeks martin and punched her in the shoulder weakly.

"OH SO NOW YOU SHOW UP, we literally sent you to get food half an hour ago what took you so long" he whined

"Priorities" she shrugged

"What are those priorities exactly mindy?" liv questioned her like she was doing an interrogation

"My love life"

"Bitch what love life" liv yelled

"You're just jealous, stay mad babes"

"Never call me that again babes sounds so weird"

"Not the point guys, who's ready for my party?!" Tara said excitedly

Everyone cheered and went to the car so they could go to tara's.


Once the party had begun Tara put chad in charge of door duty basically letting everyone in, he's the muscle of the operation according to Wes.

Tara walks up the stairs and looks out over a sea of drunk teenagers screaming and dancing, "god can't save this house now" she muttered and then walked into her room praying that it was empty and wasn't occupied by a horny couple, the sheets would be a pain to clean out.

Instead she looked in and only saw a raven haired girl with a black eye sitting on her bed staring into space.

Was she okay? Tara didn't wanna kick her out so she sat down with her and attempted to talk to her.

"Hey there, you okay?" Tara asked

The girl just huffed and continued silently looking down.

"Hey im not here to kick you out don't worry, I'm tara the host of the party" she smiles and holds out her hand for the nameless girl to shake but instead she just glances at her and mutters

"Nice to meet you, so uh, was the party not your style? Dragged here by a friend?" Tara asked

"came here by myself"

"Oh okay"

Amber got up and pulled her hood up and left the room, leaving tara both confused and intrigued by the mysterious raven haired girl.

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