Chapter Eighteen- Answers. Part 1

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Chapter Eighteen- Answers part 1

Waking from unconsciousness had become a recognisable thing, but this time things were different. Of course the tell-tale signs were there; dizziness, nausea, dry mouth… and of course that foggy cloud in your head that you just couldn’t seem to shake- despite the intense desire to be lucid.

Slowly coming too, I felt Gen’s long fingers wrapping around both my wrists swiftly dragging me out of the way and behind the staircase, screaming and sobbing loudly as things in the background crashed around us.

“Lowell, Lueraunt stop you’ll kill him!!”

Followed by a yelp, a low growl intense ripped across the room, one that demanded even more authority than that of Alstair’s, but this time the sound didn’t scare me- in fact it made me get to my feet in an instant, completely lucid.

I needed to help whoever this was.

Blinking twice I rubbed my eyes to ensure I was actually seeing as well as I did. Without any more disposable contact lenses, I had almost gotten used the smudged appearance everything had over the last couple of days, but somehow even without them my eyesight, as well as my hearing and speed was suddenly remarkable.My once clumsy stroll was now graceful leaps- making out moving objects and even time to be standing still.

But despite my newfound confidence, I suddenly stopped in my tracks, sucking in a deep breath as I laid eyes on three large wolves that were the cause for the havoc and Gen’s hysteria.

Two of the three were caramel coloured, both with large golden eyes that penetrated the eyes of the humongous jet black wolf that towered over them, taking a defensive stance.

It was like they were communicating somehow just by staring at one another in malice, but soon enough low warning growls ripped through one of the chests of the caramel coloured wolves, indicating that the physical fight was probably far from over.

Stalking around one another, I stood only a few feet away- directly in the firing-line of the creatures that  were at least eight feet in height- their paws the size of dinner plates.

“Mila get out of the way!” Gen’s voice was urgent, but as much as every part of logical reasoning wanted me to run, I couldn’t.

The rich oaky smell that came from the humongous black wolf intoxicated me, a weird sense of protectiveness overwhelming me as one of the smaller caramel coloured wolves pounced.

Although he managed to easily shake him off, the other wolf soon pounced as well, the weight of them both bringing him to his knees.

Gen’s screams, the sound of marble crunching beneath him, and the growls from the other wolves however all drowned out, as I locked the gaze of the wolf that was being over powered by the two others.

A look pleading look of desperation and loss stirred something inside me, it was him- my kidnapper, Xavier.

Despite the power I had, I had no idea how to use it.

As much as I tried, I couldn’t scream for help, for them to stop, they were killing him right before my eyes.

A tear trailing down the side of my cheek, I focussed on him- what he had done for me, the connection I felt every time we kissed.

“Please, just stop…”

Although all I could manage was a whisper, the two caramel coloured wolves yelped in protest, but bowed down submissively much to their obvious dismay.

Like when I had plotted revenge on my father, and used whatever power it was I had, I felt extremely tired, with Gen catching me just before I could fall.

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